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Topics - Malhar

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Please PM if you have some to sell.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Maha Chanok seeds
« on: June 10, 2024, 08:04:25 PM »
Please PM if you have some to sell.

Also looking for sweet tart and sea crest seeds as well but probably it is too early for them to be available.

I was at the Nina's Indian & British Groceries in Lake Forest and noticed that they had Pakistani mangoes - Chaunsa, Sndhri, and Anwar Ratool mangoes available for $40 per box

I got a box of Sindhri

Sorry, cannot ship. Local pick up in Irvine ONLY

Open to trade for Mango varieties which do well in CA

Pearl Guava - $150
About 5-6 foot tall from top end of pot
Grafted. Has been fruiting. Fruits are medium size, Oval with thick white crunchy pulp

Ruby Supreme - $100
Grafted, Purchased from Champa Nursery
~4.5 feet tall, in 7G pot
Has been fruiting. Fruits are medium size with pink inside

Thai Pink $50
Seedling from Exotica nursery, 3-4 year old
Has not fruited for me but was told that is a popular variety with pink sweet pulp

Taiwan Century Guava Air Layer - $30
Oval shape, light green color, uneven surface, with medium fiber amount. Very juicy and crisp.

Pakistani Yellow Guava airlayers from my larger tree - $40 (x2)
It is similar to yellow Egyptian guava
Pear shaped to elongated fruit with sweet pulp.
I suspect that it requires pollination as some fruits are seedless but don’t taste as good. Other fruits have seeds and taste much better

Large Asian Guava seedlings – Likely China White
Have two, larger for $40, smaller for $20
Larger is a 4 year old seedling which has been fruiting
Fruits are green with white inside, crunchy and mildly sweet
Fruits from mother tree are large up to 2 lbs. Mine have not been that large most likely from being in pot

Allahabad White
2 year old seedlings grown from seeds from a forum member
Have not fruited for me.
Have two in one gallon pots, $20 each

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Why is my Persimmon dying?
« on: May 15, 2023, 11:06:49 AM »
I have an Fuyo Jiro persimmon which has been in ground for 5 years. Suddenly, all the leaves are wilting and it seems to be dying. Can it be Persimmon Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS)?  I don't see the black veins typically described in SDS.

It had a few Matsumoto wase grafts from last year on it and couple of them died few weeks ago and I had cut them off. Tree is irrigated thru a drip system and typically gets 2 gallons once a week. It was watered couple days ago.  I have hard clay soil. 

Tree was bought from Home Depot and was grown by Durling Nursery and likely is on Diospyros lotus rootstock. 

Any thoughts are appreciated!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Seedless and seeded guava from same tree
« on: September 19, 2022, 11:11:01 AM »
I have a Pakistani guava which was grown from seeds. It is now about 4 year old and has been producing for last two years. Original fruit had seeds.  However, some fruits from this seed grown guava have seeds but other fruits are seedless.  Instead, they have a cavity which some black crusty stuff. There is also a difference in the shape of fruits.  Seedless tend to be larger and shaped differently. I know that there is genetic diversity in seed grown guava but I wonder if lack of seeds in some fruits could be due to lack of pollination? What are people's thoughts?

Original Guava

Grown from seeds

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What is wrong with my mango grafts?
« on: July 12, 2022, 08:11:52 PM »
I grafted Sweet Tart, Venus and Cac on to Manila seeding on 5/10/22 - all cleft grafts. Cac never had any growth but is still green.  Sweet tart and Venus took and developed new leafs.  However, growth has stalled and now leafs are turning yellow. All the graft unions are well healed with good amount of callous formation.  I removed the tape around graft union thinking that it may be strangulating the graft union. I have been removing any new growth on the root stock below graft to ensure all the energy is going to grafts.

What do the experts feel the problem is? Is it some type of nutritional deficiency?  Any thing I can do to help them grow?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB NDM scions
« on: May 11, 2022, 11:48:28 AM »
Wanted to buy NDM mango scions if any one can spare 1 or 2.  Already checked with tropical acre farms and they don't have any available.

Use promo code 1D22PE to save. Offer expires 1/30/22.

They have this promotion 1-2 times a year and have decent prices.  They also carry some difficult to find item.

Not available any more!

Citrus General Discussion / How to best graft small CCPP scions?
« on: March 10, 2021, 11:49:17 PM »
I ordered Ponkan Mandarin and Xie Shan Satsuma scions to topwork may orange tree. Xie Shan Satsuma scions look decent but some of the Ponkan scions are small - almost like twigs.  Any ideas how to best graft the smaller scions?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB - Matsumoto Wase Persimmon Scions
« on: February 24, 2021, 07:03:38 PM »
I had ordered Matsumoto wase Persimmon scions from Burnt Ridge Nursery in December which were going to be shipped in February.  I even called them last month and was reassured that they have enough scions and I will be receiving mine in February.
However, now they cancelled my order stating they did not have enough.  I know it is late in the season but I wanted to check if any one has Matsumoto wase scions which they will be willing to sell?


Citrus General Discussion / Graft now or wait?
« on: February 04, 2021, 12:47:09 PM »
I have an in-ground multi-grafted mandarin tree with Algerian Freemont, Page, Kishu and Dancy tangerine grafts. To my surprise, Page and Kishu have been very bland for me.  Hence, I am thinking about cutting the page and Kishu grafts and bark-grafting with Xie Shan, Shiranui and Kinnow mandarin.

I was planning to wait untill march before grafting them but I am already seeing new growth on the tree. What I have noticed is that most of the growth occurs from February to June on my orange trees ( I am in coastal Orange County, Zone 10a, about 10 miles from the coast). Once the temperature reaches 80s, Citrus Leaf Miner (CLM) kicks in and the new growth gets stunted. If I am to graft now, it will give several months of new growth before CLM starts affecting them.

So, I am wondering if I should go ahead and graft them now or wait till March?

Thank your or your responses.

It seems that majority of the Indian/Pakaistani mangoes don't do well in Southern California. Looking through the tropical fruit forum, I gathered following information:

Alphonso: May grow well on local rootstock but does not produce well
Kesar: Some people had good success with it but did not produce well for other people
Sindhri: JF has successfully grown Sindhri but I can not find any other reports.
Imam pasand: behlgarden has successfully grown Imam pasand
Mallika: varaiable reports
Manohar: can not find enough information
Amrapali: can not find enough information

I am sure there are many other mangoes which I am missing.

Can local experts share their opinions in this regard?


I have recently planted couple mango trees in the ground and was wondering what would be that best way to water them?

I have a drip system in place which uses netafim 1/2" dripline with pressure regulated emitters every 12 inches.  For most of the trees, I make a circle of dripline around the base of the tree.  However, for smaller tree/plants it is difficult to make the circle without kinking the drip line.   

I use Rain Bird Micro-Bubblers in my potted plants but the problem is their twist cap tends to becomes either loose or too tight overtime making water flow inconsistent. I have also used spot spitters but they keep popping out of the 1/8" tubing especially when the weather is hot.

Looking at the pictures posted in the forum, it seems that many people use micro-sprinklers. Can people who use micro-sprinklers provide information about which one they use and how well do they work for them.

Thank you

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