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Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Going away to college sale!
« Last post by FruitKid374 on Today at 07:24:44 PM »
Hello, I just graduated high school and am headed to college majoring in plant sciences in a week! While I'm really excited, I need to find new homes for basically my entire collection of tropical fruit trees and edibles as well as pots, a grow tent, and a greenhouse. I don't have prices made for everything, but I'm not trying to make the most money, just give the plants new homes and get some funding to help pay my college expenses. I don't really want to ship anything, but if you realllllllly want something let me know. If your in SoCal and wanna help me out with my tuition, send over a message! -Micah
Heres a list of mostly everything I've got:

Many assorted dragon fruit plants
Guabiju 3 gal
Lolita Surinam cherry 15g
5x golden kiwi 5g/3g
Mountain apple 10g
Florida giant Surinam cherry 5g
Red hybrid jaboticaba 10g
Red hybrid jaboticaba 15g
Pitomba 5g
Tropical pink guava 10g
“Giant” white guava 10g
Moringa 15g
Flavor king pluot 35g
Multi graft pluot 45g
Kohala longan 15g
Colossal macadamia 15g
Rose Apple 45g
Buddha hand citron 15g
Ice cream bean 45g
AAA+ Nam wah banana 10g
Pisang rajah banana 25g
Red wax jambu 25g
Avocado seedling 10g
Meyer Lemon 15g
Sabara jaboticaba 45g
Cot-n-candy aprium 45g
Celeste fig 15g
Mirocais Black apricot 5g
New Zealand black peach 5g
Unknown grafted apricot 5g
White Pakistan mulberry 15g
Chamba Surinam cherry 25g
LM1 atemoya 5g
Tropic Sun atemoya 5g
Phet Pak Chong atemoya 5g
Various mini grafted annonas
Nam wah banana 45g
Goldfinger banana 5g
Ruby ong atenoya 25g
Guamuchil 15g
3x white sapote seedling 5g
Suebelle white sapote 15g
Rolando white sapote 5g
White currant berry 5g
Jostaberry 5g
Pixwell gooseberry 5g
Peles smoke sugarcane 15g
Improved Asian black sugarcane 5g
Kara gul pomegranate 5g
Gizzarski rosovii pomegranate 5g
King pomegranate 5g
Banana passion fruit 5g
20th century Asian pear 15g
Debregeasia edulis 10g
Dwarf finger lime 10g
Muscadine grape 5g
Pond apple annona glabra 5g
Helmut cherimoya 20g
Golden ice cream bean  1g
Pitangatuba 15g
Cherry of the rio grande red 5g
Golden nectar plum 3g
Sweet treat pluerry 1g
Various fejoa seedlings 1g
Hoja Santa 15g/5g mL
Black Madeira fig 3g
GE Neri fig 2g
2x Panache fig 2g
Various Garcinia braziliensis/intermedia 1g
2x Flat of 30 rose apple seedlings
Rose apple 1g
Many cherimoya seedlings sleeves to 5g
Loquat seedlings sleeves/1g
Lucuma Community 5g pot
Myrciaria floribunda 5g
Cot n candy aprium 1g
2x cinnamon apple 3g
4x Philippine pointed canistel seedling 2g
Pouteria hypoglauca 2g
7x Plinia inflata giant tree pot
Cherry of the rio grande el dorado black 3g
Pitangatuba 1g
Eugenia reinwardtiana 1g
5x mango seedling
Eugenia azeda 1g
Jackfruit seedlings 5g
Cherimoya seedlings 1g/5g
Loquat seedlings 1g

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Recommend Copper Fungicides?
« Last post by cassowary on Today at 07:24:38 PM »
Copper oxy chloride works but it can be mutagenic and hurt sperm ( in fruit flys are high concentrations but ao could do that to humans too) so it’s advised to wear protective gear. Copper oxy chloride are sold under many different brands.

If you mention whats the active infredient in the branded products you mention its easier for us to assist with recommendations.

And as Peter said you can use Boreaux mix. Calcium hydroxide and copper sulphate.
You can also use calcium oxide if you cant find hydroxide but when you mix Ca oxide with wate rit will get really hot and create CaHydroxide anyway, but the hear helps to mix the two.
I think calcium carbonate works too but in Italy I have seen them use Calcium hydroxide, often time Cahydroxide is sold in finer powder so easier to get even mix with copper sulphate.

There should be Bordeaux mixes to buy.

I have access to fruits/scions, as there are 4 trees in the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens only 45 mins away from me.
They might even be fruiting at this time of year, so I intend to have a look at them in the next few weeks.
Some good input here from you all :)

Seams like kutjensis requires less girth then zibethinus to be mature.
I will see how thick our kutjensis are when they mature. Will be interesting to see.
I wounder too if it needs cross pollination, zibethinus x kutejensis hybrids excist so they can pollinate each other but maybe zibethinus pollen isn’t as good as kutejensis pollen for kutejensis. Are there other kutejensis trees around?

I think age can be missleading because i have a few trees that are the same age but not same size, some are double the size. And when I asked people long ago usually good farmers said 5 years from seed to first harvest and casual gardeners gave me 8-10 years probly because their trees don’t grow as well and does not get to maturity size as fast as the good farmers trees.
If we know dimnesions for maturity then we can plan easier or change practices.

Hypothetically, if I knew that 250mm girth and 5cm branch is enough to make a tree/branch mature then if I have a zibethinus tree at 250mm girth 1m above the soil with plenty of 5cm branches  but no flowers then I would know there is something i need to correct. Maybe not enough sun, to much or to little water or low EC soil or to high EC soil or some deficiency.

Tropo, Maybe over 200mm for zibethinus is a fair estimate, if the tree has good sun, water and decent soil. None if mine at 130-150mm have flowered.
Would be good with some solid data on this.

Interesting that it might be biomass or leafnodes that can help detmine how far of to maturity in avocado trees. Avocado flowers are born on the end of branches which is different from zibethinus so this might not be applicable to zibethinus.

I reckon mulchi (plinia inflata) looks pretty crazy. I am yet to buy some seeds, looks quite exciting.
Soncoya (Annona Purplea) is a MASSIVE annona, can get to 20cm wide. Fibrous, supposed to taste good.

Also, give some thoughts to pouterias, like abiu, mammey sapote, canistel, etc. There are some really good rare pouterias, too.
i do want to get soncoya and mulchi, i have read that Mulchi can take upwards of 15 years to bear fruit though...

They can take up to 15 years in more marginal areas, but if they're happy they can fruit in the 5-10 year range. My attitude: Start now.
Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Medici Bizzarria in AU?
« Last post by cassowary on Today at 06:47:54 PM »
Ohhh nice!

Was it vigourous or did it require a but of care to get it grow and fruit well?
Without having one in front of me it’s a little hard to recall and dissect the flavor. I didn’t get any cinnamon notes that I remember, although my mom says it has some. It has a creamier interior (super tasty) and a grainy almost crunchy layer before the skin (less tasty but still tasty). The flavor is inoffensive (nothing overpowering) and very very good. There’s many fruits I love which I can understand people disliking (think durian or Indian turpentiney mangos) but cinnamon apple I can’t imagine someone disliking. It’s always hard to describe new flavors but the closest I can come is bread pudding. I’d really look into the fruiting size though. The fruit is on the bigger side and you might need some decently sized branches. Grafting if you can get your hands on some fruit and spice park cuttings is also a great idea. God knows how much genetic variety there is out there and you might get something totally different from what I ate. So far, it’s the best rare (not even in specialty rare fruit nurseries) fruit I’ve had.

Sounds great. Are you growing Pouteria glomerata or know where I could get some scions? I've been thinking it'll be fun to try grafting it on my Lucuma (no idea if it's compatible, but can't hurt trying).
Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: anyone growing chrysophyllum imperiale?
« Last post by barath on Today at 06:24:17 PM »
I have several plants of C. imperiale. Growing slowly, so I doubt I'll see fruit in less than a decade.
Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Unusual mango heat intolerance
« Last post by barath on Today at 06:23:17 PM »
Interesting responses, thanks everyone. So maybe there is something to the idea that mangoes develop heat tolerance from recent exposure to heat, just like guavas (and others) do to cold. We hadn't experienced anything over 90F so far this summer and then in the last week we had several days straight over 100F and the day where it hit 112F really did the most damage. (It's still surprising that my other fruit trees in the same yard were just fine -- I wouldn't have expected them to have heat tolerance.)
Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Garden clearance sale
« Last post by victory66 on Today at 06:16:22 PM »
pm sent.
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