Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Collins variety of pawpaw for southern Growers
« on: February 08, 2025, 09:03:22 AM »
Well the Journey Begins I have two more coming. I would encourage the Zone Pushers to give Paw paw a try. If you don't put them in the ground you will never know. It is a awesomely Delicious Fruit.
Collins Found by the late Major Collins of Tifton, Georgia. This variety has proven itself to do well in the lower South. 1/2 pound yellow fleshed variety with a rich, banana-like flavor. Great choice for folks further south and works well for up north too. Fruit ripens late August through September. These are grafted trees and usually start producing in 3-4 years. Plant with another variety of paw paw for pollination. Zones 7-9a.
Gainesville #1 Originated from Mike Duke. Mike has been testing and growing paw paws in the Gainesville, Florida area for several years. These were seedling paw paw trees that have fruited well for him. Fruit is yellow fleshed, creamy custard textured, wonderful flavor. Great choice for folks further south and works well for up north too. These are grafted trees and usually start producing in 3-4 years. Fruit ripens late August through September. Plant with another variety of paw paw for pollination. Zones 5-9A
My Fuya persimmon tree sets fruit most years. When they get to the size of a silver dollar the abort makes me optimistic about the pawpaw
Fuyu persimmon trees require 200–500 hours of chilling at temperatures between 32°F and 45°F