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Messages - Pau

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Is it yangmei?
« on: Today at 07:50:45 PM »

My fruiting  sugarcane jujube will be uprooted and potted this coming spring. Will cut to order.

$20 for 4-5 sions (depending on demand), shipping already included.

Order open until tree is uprooted or out of cuttings.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Is it yangmei?
« on: Today at 06:05:19 PM »

Is this Yang mei? I bought some giant yang mei fruits and planted seeds, forgot where i planted it. Then I saw these sprouts.

What variety is the pluerry?


Sent $10. Thanks for the forum!


It is seedling, mine has tap root.
I rechecked mine and it is also a seedling with a tap root. I contacted the seller. No way to know what the fruit will be like if it’s a seedling.

Ebay refunded me. Hopefully you got a refund also.

Does red diamond have round leaves also?


It is seedling, mine has tap root.

Person told me seed. The plant i received had many holes also. Will check soil when i  pot it tonight.

There's an ebay seller in Puerto Rico:

2 trees shipped was like $77 with the discount.

I bought the tree from the link. Seller said it is a seedling. Anyone that has the red diamond, can you confirm the leaf is correct?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Free Lisa Atemoya seeds
« on: December 26, 2024, 06:10:31 PM »
How much to ship the seeds?

Must be sweet then? Here is photo of smaller one with skin.

I have sweet it looks similar.

Check that video out, the "Sweet Pom" looks different from mine and yours.

Thanks for identifying! I been wondering for a while which type it was. If you are looking for low acid to none and very soft seeds, my sister has white pomegranate, clear arils and juice is clear. It is one variety i will graft to the sweet this coming spring.

Must be sweet then? Here is photo of smaller one with skin.

You have eversweet cuttings for trade? I have sweet pomegranate cuttings I can trade or fig cuttings various varieties.

Its been a while since i planted the eversweet. Hopefully i didnt forget and it is actually a sweet, or utah sweet. Image to show you what it looks like. Decent size. The seeds are softer than Wonderful Pom. I dont want to take over another persons post, so just send me pm to talk about it

Is the Hawaiian pom sweet with soft seeds? I bought the ambrosia to graft to my main pom (eversweet) in ground  and failed several times. The ambrosia is in a pot and 3 feet tall. This coming spring i will prune eversweet back alot and graft many varieties to it. I will place ambrosia in ground since few people want it. I dont have many cuttings to trade since tree is small.

70 as in he will sell it for $70? I see. If Avo values his avocado cutting at that price its not for me to judge :)

I have ambroisia in a pot and no fruits yet. I read that it gets 2-3 times bigger than the commercially sold Wonderful variety. Is now a good time to graft? In spring we can trade if you like.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Carmine Type Guava - Red Blush on Fruit
« on: December 06, 2024, 07:15:28 PM »
I used to not like guava due to seeds were difficult to chew. One day i tried just chewing the center slightly and swollowing the seeds. Since then I have been on the hunt for best tasting guavas. This is referring to soft flesh.

For hard flesh i seek seedless guavas, or ones that has seeds in the center for easy removal.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Hitting up Socal potentially
« on: December 04, 2024, 11:58:49 PM »
I was down there recently. LA traffic is horrific. I made a list of nurseries but didnt have time to check them all. I like EKT and Magnolia.

Ong Nursery is open only Sat & Sun, so I didnt get a chance to go.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Lychee...Mauritius
« on: December 04, 2024, 11:46:41 PM »
I was in LA and picked up another lychee. I looked for the healthiest one and thought it was sweetheart lychee. Today I saw the tag and it said mauritius. I googled it and it brought me back to this page.... lol. I will do your method of protecting it and set irrigation for it. This time around I will only feed it worm casting.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Wanted GIANT GOOSEBERRY plant
« on: December 03, 2024, 11:20:28 PM »
Looks like my gooseberry is still alive. Not sure what you mean by big fruits. Found some old pictures of my gooseberry, yellow is when it is ripe, greenish still taste good.

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