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Messages - SoCal2warm

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Yes, a good idea. I have pollinated my Chandler with Morton (and other Poncirus hybrids). ... Let's hope that seeds are in it.
Chandler pomelo has a triploid set of chromosomes (that's what makes it "seedless"). That means when crossed with another variety, there is the chance for the offspring to also be triploid (and even a very small chance it could be tetraploid, which could then be useful for a subsequent round of breeding).

The good news is that pure pomelos produce only zygotic seed (resulting from sexual recombination), rather than high levels of nucellar seed (genetic clones of the fruit parent).

Seeds should form in the fruits. If they do not, it means the fruit was not properly pollinated. 

(Some varieties of pomelo, such as Hirado Buntan, do not produce many fruits if the flowers are not pollinated by another variety. (Maybe slightly more than half of pomelo varieties require pollination for fruit set. But Chandler pomelo does not require pollination to produce fruit (parthenocarpy). And it is very difficult to find any pomelo varieties in the U.S. that are not the Chandler variety)

I found this:

"A pummelo that has been cross-pollinated by another pummelo is apt to have numerous seeds, but if cross-pollinated with any sweet or mandarin orange, will not be seedy."

I'm not sure if it is true, or why it would be true. Perhaps oranges just produce much lower pollen levels.

Grapefruit comes from the hybridization of C. maxima with an orange, but my question was what would happen if one of the parents was changed?
Grapefruit is a specific cross that has a specific origin.

There are several traditional Japanese varieties where C. maxima was introduced into mandarin (C. reticulata) breeding. (Think for example about the slightly sour more aromatic flavor of Satsuma mandarins)

The result will be a little bit different from the typical grapefruit flavor.

These fruits will be, in many ways, analogous to grapefruit, but they will not truly be real grapefruits. They will be similar but they will not have quite the exact same type of flavor.
This can be difficult to describe.

I can get into the chemical components of the aroma, if you want. One of the most important aroma compounds in both pomelo and grapefruit is nootkatone. It occurs only at very low levels but it's very potent at those low levels. It smells a little in the direction of mouth-puckering rhubarb but also a bit of a cleaner green and woody dimension. 

But in grapefruit, in addition there is 1-p-Menthene-8-thiol (also called "Grapefruit mercaptan"), which smells kind of distinctively like "grapefruit" but in a completely different way. It was a subtly sweet aroma that is slightly pungent (slightly mild smell, in a way, yet "potent" in feeling at the same time). And strangely, if you compare it to the smell of coffee there is some subtle underlying similarity in the feel. It brings to mind more of a "pink grapefruit" feel. This almost feels more like edible grapefruit candy than natural grapefruit.

The distinctive aroma of orange (and especially Valencia variety of orange) comes from a substance called valencene, which is actually related to nootkatone, but doesn't have the oxygen atom that nootkatone has. They do kind of share some similarity in overall underlying feel but are also very different. Valencene does not have the rich mouth-puckering slightly "dirty" rhubarb feel that nootkatone has.

I think another important compound you'll find in many of the more aromatic mandarins is sinensal. It has a "bright" and "juicy" feeling, but also some "orange-citrus" tonalities like D-limonene does. Again, it's very reminiscent of "orange" but in more of a different way from valencene.

This is only a basic overview only touching the surface. Of course the full story is much more complicated.

When you cross a pomelo with a mandarin, you're going to get something that's a little bit similar to tangelo in flavor. But of course it will be more sour yellow and aromatic because it will have a higher percentage of C. maxima ancestry than a tangelo does. So maybe somewhere between a tangelo and a "grapefruit" sort of feel, but not with all of the distinctive aroma of a real grapefruit.

Keep in mind your offspring will likely be tasty but will contain a huge number of seeds. 

The C. maxima x C. reticulata hybrids tend to have a little more hardiness than regular sweet oranges, so should grow well (or at least acceptably) in climate zone 9b.

I also want to point out that Chinotto sour orange is mildly cold hardy. It should do fine in zone 9. It might even be able to survive in zone 8b.

I have tasted Chinotto sour orange fresh off the tree. It does have a strong nice fragrance. But the fruits are small, completely full of seeds, a little bit low quality.
Still, I would not completely rule out snacking on a Chinotto orange, if I were foraging in the wild and that were the only thing that were available. It's like only one notch below the level of edibility that people would choose to pick one and eat it if they were foraging in the wild. (The main reason I might avoid eating it is it is simply messy and the juice gets on your fingers trying to eat around the seeds, and the juice is somewhat acidic, a little comparable to a lemon)
I think it could also be good for flavoring alcohol, though it is probably not the best in the category of "sour oranges" for this purpose.

The Chinotto sour orange trees are very vigorous growing and low maintenance, growing like bushes. They do not need so much attention or special care like other citrus varieties.

first crosses of limequat Eutis x poncirus (will they be resistant?)
Limequat Eutis, in my years here in Buenos Aires, I have noticed that it is very sensitive to cold, losing most of its leaves in winter.
I have no doubt such a good cross would be cold resistant. But you might want to select a poncirus hybrid rather than poncirus itself to do the cross. (Such as maybe citrange or citrandarin)
If you simply cross poncirus with anything else, the first generation is not going to be very edible, nor will it taste good.

You do live in zone 9b. That is a little bit colder than what most citrus can tolerate well, but it is still a very mild climate when we are discussing "hardy citrus". There are plenty of hardy citrus varieties that can easily grow in 9b which do not have any poncirus in their ancestry. In fact, if you are in zone 9b, it almost seems like a waste having to resort to using poncirus in breeding.

Some other ideas might be to try crossing Yuzuquat (Yuzu x kumquat) with lime, or even try to cross lime and Ichangquat (Ichang papeda x kumquat).

I am not sure it really makes sense to have to use poncirus to breed something hardier when your climate is only zone 9b. Using poncirus is going to make it very difficult to obtain something that tastes good and is edible.

Or maybe (lime x poncirus) x kumquat

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Update on Yuzu in WA state, September 2024
« on: September 05, 2024, 11:20:55 PM »
Ichang papeda not doing as well as yuzu is fascinating, and really surprises me.
There is a huge Ichang papeda bush in Portland, Oregon, in the Hoyt Arboretum, planted right against the wall of the visitor's center. The plant looks like it's doing very well and I have seen fruits on it. (Though the fruits do not have any seeds, probably due to lack of pollination because there are no other citrus varieties planted nearby, and maybe the Poncirus trifoliata next to it doesn't bloom at the same time) The bush is between 7 to 8 feet in height, and has huge thorns, many of which are nearly 3 inches long.
The precise location is at the very top of a small mountain, what amounts to a big forest preserve that is surrounded by the city. 

The fruits themselves sort of remind me of kaffir lime, but a little poorer in fruit quality, and half in a lemon flavor direction rather than only lime. The peels of the fruit are moderately tender and edible, maybe analogous to Yuzu, Calamondin, mandarinquat, or citron. Sort of dry inside, very little juice, but I imagine the peel might be useful for flavoring gin (alcohol). I can eat the peel, but if I eat more than about one or two of the whole fruits, my stomach feels a little uneasy, slightly queasy. They do have the very slightest "skunky" taste, but nothing like Poncirus.
Probably not something most people would be enthusiastic about snacking on out of hand, but I imagine they could have some culinary uses.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: US 1516
« on: September 05, 2024, 09:53:12 PM »
Dunstan origin is not clear, I read that it was initially  found in a abandoned conservatory on the Long Island, some people believe that it is pomeloXPT hybrid.
Dunstan citrumelo was a cross between Duncan grapefruit (white grapefruit) and Poncirus trifoliata. (Swingle citrumelo was also a sibling from this same cross)

Cold Hardy Citrus / Update on Yuzu in WA state, September 2024
« on: September 05, 2024, 09:26:08 PM »
This Yuzu tree is in Olympia, WA, in the Yashiro Japanese garden.

It was originally grown from seed, and is now 42 inches tall.
It is not covered during the winter. But the small Japanese garden is located in the downtown area of the city, and is enclosed by a high fence. So the spot is mostly protected from colder winds. It probably does not get as cold there as more open rural areas further away from the city. It's a very optimal spot. From what I've seen, if it were any colder than this, a Yuzu would probably not grow so well in this region. Pictures taken September 5, 2024.

This is an Ichang lemon. It is planted in a very protected spot, sort of a nook close to the wall of a house. It gets plenty of sun early in the day but is mostly shaded from afternoon sun. It is not very big, maybe only 20 inches high, but the leaves have survived through the winter and it has put out a good amount of new leaf growth this year. It was not covered last winter.

I tried to grow two small Ichang papeda plants further out in the yard away from the house but they slowly declined after the first winter, despite being able to put out a little new leaf growth, and were not able to end up surviving after the second winter. They just seemed to lack enough vigor to be able to grow fast enough and recover from the winter. Yuzu plants seem to be more successful here, but even then I had a bush (on grafted rootstock) that gradually declined after two years and finally did not recover after the third winter and died. I do have another very small Yuzu bush in the yard (further out from the house) that is slowly recovering from being mostly killed-back during an especially cold winter 3 years ago. I've noticed that the hardy citrus plants seem to do better if they are closely surrounded by bushes of other plants, which seem to offer them some cover and a little bit of insulating protection from both the cold winds of winter and the hot dry heat of summer.

This is a Dunstan citrumelo, or at least just a picture of the top part of the plant.

It has done very well and seems to be the most resistant to cold damage out of the many hardy citrus varieties I have seen here.
There's a bush at the bottom and then a tall leader branch that rises up with some more growth at the top, 78 inches tall from the ground.
It usually keeps its leaves, but there was one winter that was so cold that the leaves died and later fell off, even though most of the petiole segments of the leaf remained alive on the plant (that's the very small segment of the leaf at the base where the leaf attaches to the stem).
It has not yet shown any signs of flowering or fruiting, so it may take a few more years for it to get bigger and more mature.

It is important to keep citrus well watered in the summer, since the summers are dry in the Pacific Northwest. And likewise the desiccating effect of cold winter winds is not really a problem here (like it is on the East Coast), since the winters are almost constantly so wet. The growing season is not the longest in this region of the country. The plants mostly do not experience any real heat until after the start of June, and then by the end of October the heat is usually gone and the days are cold. There are only about 4 prime months of growing season, and even that is assuming the plants will be kept continually well watered. But on the other hand, the winters are mostly not too extreme. While constantly cold throughout the winter, the nights do not drop very low below the freezing point most of the time. This means there are many subtropical plants that can be grown in the Pacific Northwest that could never be grown at the same latitude on the East Coast of the country, and many of those plants can even bloom in late December or the middle of January. Usually there are only about 2 weeks in the year of extremely cold weather and snow. And maybe about 1 out of every 4 years the city only gets a very light sprinkling of snow that barely clings to the ground for a day.

I saw some Musa basjoo bananas that survived one year in Tacoma, Washington, USA. Not only just the stalk but also the leaf fronds. The following year there were some "bananas" to be seen. The fruit never had time enough to ripen. The fruits still looked skinny and completely green by the time the cold season arrived again. The location was not far from the water. This was an unusually good year with mild winter temperatures. So if the fruit did not ripen then, I do not think it would be better any other year.
Maybe 50% of years, the stalks are killed back to the ground, only to quickly grow back up again the following year.

This would be 47.3 degrees N latitude, which in Europe is equivalent to being between the latitudes of Geneva and Zurich.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: N1triVoss
« on: July 03, 2024, 05:47:00 PM »
I grew two seedlings from US-852 (Changsha x trifoliate hybrid) and one of them is trifoliate, while the other appears monofoliate (single leaves).
This is not the strongest example, since the seedling is obviously second generation, appearing different from its parent US-852.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Main types of Citrumelo
« on: June 24, 2024, 06:49:49 PM »
In the U.S., the two main citrumelo varieties are Swingle and Dunstan citrumelo. There are some others but they are more obscure.
From what I've read, Dunstan has less of a bad poncirus flavor than Swingle, and is almost a little "lemon-like" in sourness. But Swingle might be a little more vigorous growing and resilient (although Dunstan seems to be decently vigorous growing and resilient growing from my observations).
Both Dunstan and Swingle are siblings originating from the same poncirus x white Duncan grapefruit cross. (For those who do not know, Duncan was considered the original gold standard of grapefruit flavor, although it had a lot of characteristic grapefruit-like bitterness and was seedy. I have tasted it and agree, in my personal opinion, it has excellent flavor and nice tartness, more concentrated and aromatic than other grapefruit varieties, though might not be for those who prefer sweet and mild grapefruits)
I think Swingle became the preferred rootstock variety because it grows more true to seed, 85 to 95% nucellar, versus Dunstan at maybe only 65 to 70%.

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Citrus Ripe in SoCal
« on: June 21, 2024, 07:05:25 PM »
Oroblanco grapefruit only ripens moderately well in the Mission Viejo area. It's still a little too close to the coast.
Probably would do a little better in the Santa Ana area, I'm thinking.

Make no mistake, the summers still get hot. But I guess the heat just does not last quite long enough throughout the day and year, and the warmth during the rest of time is just a little below optimal. And despite this, sun scorch can still be a little bit of an issue, so the plants do prefer just a little bit of partial shade while young.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Long term cold hardy citrus breeding project
« on: June 07, 2024, 03:27:23 AM »
After reading all your knowledge for months, I came here for the first time to share with you my plans. So hi to all.

Not surprisingly, I aim to create the ultimate zone7 Citrus hybrid that ticks all the boxes. Sure enough. But where to start it?

But hey, if the Satsuma has few seeds, how do we get anything to sow? That makes me think that Satsuma should be the pollen partner and US942 the receptive side. And if any of the seedlings are monofoliate, then we have something exciting going on. But all the seedlings should be taken care of because we can never know what Mother Nature is cooking. Then after the second or third growing  season they should be left outside for the winter and deal with the survivors (if any).

But that's all just daydreaming. I must deal with the ones I have approach to. So I ordered a Kabosu, a Keraji and a Changsha.
I will warn you that I have trialed Keraji in the US PNW climate and it did not seem able to survive in zone 8a here. Though from what I observed, it came very close to surviving. I'm sure it would have survived if I were in zone 8b.

Where you are in South-Central Europe probably has a climate type sort of half way between the US PNW and the "more normal" US Southeast. 

Changsha has survived for me in the PNW, but I think it would probably die if I were in zone 7. Although Changsha apparently can survive in 7b in the US Southeast.

If I were you, you might want to start with a hybrid between a great tasting citrus variety and poncirus, and then cross that with something like Kabosu, Keraji, or Changsha. 

You might occasionally find a fruit in Satsuma, but it is less common. I think Satsuma grown in big commercial orchards are less likely to ever have any seeds because they keep other varieties of citrus from being grown nearby, to avoid cross-pollination. I have found in a seed in a Satsuma fruit that came from a smaller farm, and was able to grow the seed into a seedling. Of course that seedling was unable to survive in this climate, despite being 6 inches tall. From what I recall, the seeds of Satsuma are statistically 90 percent nucellar, so only 1 out of 10 will have a chance of being different from the parent.

If you were going to make a hybrid from poncirus from the beginning, you might want to start with Minneola tangelo. A great fruit to begin with, and it is even a little bit more cold tolerant than a sweet orange.

I'm also growing the variety US-852, a hybrid between Changsha mandarin and trifoliate.

Someone is selling the seeds here. They weren't the freshest, and took a long time to germinate, but I found they did eventually germinate and sprout.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Cold hardy Olive
« on: June 01, 2024, 11:41:01 PM »
I'm growing two varieties of osmanthus, which is in the olive family and closely related to lilac but has evergreen leaves (like olive).

location climate zone 8a, Olympia, WA, Pacific Northwest

One of the osmanthus varieties can supposedly survive zone 7 (but I think that rating is probably from the US Southeast), and the other is a little bit more tender and can only survive zone 8, but held onto half of its leaves through this winter (though it is a tiny plant, very low to the ground right now). 

I know that cold hardy olive can be grown in Portland, Oregon. Being able to ripen well is a bigger issue than whether the tree can survive there.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Poncirus aroma?
« on: June 01, 2024, 02:32:02 AM »
If you get past the resin (something of a combination of pine tar and diesel),
I want to point out this isn't really the most accurate description.
If it were only a matter of them having some flavor of pine tar and diesel, I could still eat them. But it's worse than that.
They are sour and acidic but in a very bad way.

It's definitely not just an issue of being sour in the usual way (like a lemon). They have a horrid flavor that is makes it difficult to take more than one or two small bites, making it unapproachable. Very off-putting flavor. It's not just "bitter". Bitter flavor is not really the real issue. The word "bitter" is just used to describe the flavor, for lack of a better word.

I have eaten Chinotto sour orange, and those have bitterness than makes them somewhat difficult to eat, but poncirus has other things about its flavor that make it much worse.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Poncirus aroma?
« on: June 01, 2024, 02:20:40 AM »
If you're referring to the smell on the outside of the fruits, they do have a smell. It reminds me of some sort of perfume sachet in an old woman's house, nice but not really very pleasant. That mixed with just a little bit of a cheap laundry detergent smell. It's a little more perfume floral and a little less of an edible citrus smell. I can smell a tiny hint of alpha-damascenone in there, which is the juicy scent of bruised green apples leaning slightly in an apple-rose direction, a little jam-like.

If you are referring to the inside of the fruits, I have tasted a poncirus hybrid. That is a hybrid between poncirus and an edible citrus. The fruits of the hybrid looked like a delicious orange when cut open. But the taste was more than off-putting. It's hard to describe. I could force myself to eat them, if it were a desperate survival situation, but as hard as I try, there is no way I can enjoy eating it. It's hard to describe. Something in the flavor was a little "putrid", that was the worst part to me personally, but that was only half of it.
It can apparently depend on personal preference. A few people can manage to half enjoy eating these fruits, I am told. (Though of course no one would prefer them to a real orange)

That being said, I have tasted a rare poncirus from a tree that didn't have the usual bad poncirus flavor. It was of poor eating quality, but had close to none of the usual horrid characteristically bad poncirus flavor. It did not have too much flavor, was rather insipid, but did have a little pine flavor, a little rosinous, with even less citrus flavor, the tiniest hint of lime and tangerine, I would say.

I've been pleasantly surprised by the vigor of ichang lemon.
It definitely has a fair to good amount of vigor and can grow well, and recover.

However, I will warn that from my experience, and judging by my observation of it growing in the PNW climate, it's not extremely tolerant of cold and can suffer damage.
It needs to be planted in a protected location, sheltered from winds, ideally close to the foundation of a building or brick wall, in zone 8a. And I get the feeling it wouldn't survive long term in the coldest part of zone 8a, bordering right on the edge of zone 7. But that's in the PNW climate. I can't say how it would behave in the US Southeast.

It's probably more of a zone 8b plant, but the climate here is solidly in zone 8a.

I remember one winter, the Ichang lemon, which was growing in a container outside at the time, did not do too well, ended up suffering severe damage and die-back, while a Bloomsweet in a container right next to it sailed through just fine. But later, the Bloomsweet planted in the ground in a protected spot ended up dying one winter, while the Ichang lemon in the container survived. (This was despite the Bloomsweet planted right next to a south-facing wall, and covered with a paper grocery bag during the coldest part of winter, with a gallon container of water set right up against the plant's trunk, in an attempt to help resist freezing)

The Changsha and Dunstan citrumelo are both doing well, have both grown out a lead branch over 4 feet tall. Both held onto all their leaves. I didn't really see any specific leaf damage, but the leaves did not really look the best at the end of the winter. The previous year's leaves are still satisfactorily healthy and alive though.

Here's a picture of the Ichang lemon again

May 27, 2024

You can see it's vigorously pushing out lots of new leaf growth, and the plant held onto its leaf growth from last year, which is still looking good.
It survived through the winter and was not covered. But it is planted up against a wall, and is in a protected spot. It mostly only gets morning sun in its location.

I'm happily surprised it is doing well. (Again, it is not Ichang papeda)

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Poncirus from Seattle Arboretum
« on: May 05, 2024, 11:45:04 AM »
The poncirus trees may be a little bit difficult to find.

According to a map, they are in the heart of the arboretum, and will require navigating through a maze of more "off-road" trails to get there.

Starting from the visitor center, there are two main paths that head south through the grounds. Stay on the path on the side facing the road (the road with car traffic) that has a pedestrian bridge across it. This refers to the wider path, and most of the length of this path is (as of 2024) paved in gravel. I believe it is called "Azalea Way". It should be relatively flat. (There is another asphalt-paved path that runs closer to the road. It is not this path) Head south and pass the "Woodland garden" on your left. Keep going a long distance until you get to the hybrid rhododendron section. Just before the hybrid rhododendron section there should be a smaller inconspicuous dirt trail to the left going up the hill. This will take you to another "main" dirt trail which meanders through the center of the arboretum, running between the two main pathways, in what seems like a more wild covered forest area. The poncirus trees are directly across from this dirt trail, on the other side opposite from the hybrid rhododendrons. If you were to draw a triangle between the hybrid rhododendron area, the Asian maple collection, and the Magnolia family collection, the poncirus trees would be in the center of that area.

If it helps at all, the spot is not as far south as the Vibernums and Mountain Ashes sections (which in any case you will not see because they are on the far west and east ends of the arboretum, but I mean if you were trying to see how far south it is on a map).

Edit: After visiting the Arboretum, I noticed there was also a Poncirus (Flying Dragon) planted near the Chinese section, the circular path that connects to the main path near the "Pacific Connections" section.

Blenheim is listed at 400 chill hours, and is still my favorite. On the negative side, it is not the most disease resistant, and alternate bears.
Speaking from experience, Blenheim (also sometimes called Royal) still produces well in zone 10 (not 10a or 10b but right in the middle) but tends to only produce fruit every other year (once every 2 years). In this climate zone, the tree might do better in a spot that has just a little bit of shade and that doesn't get too hot, necessary for being able to accumulate adequate "chill" during winter.

Blenheim is a very excellent apricot, in size and taste.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Citrus ichangensis x sinensis (194)
« on: April 08, 2024, 03:44:55 AM »
I bought mine from Adavo and it is marked as Shangjuan.
Probably totally off topic to this discussion, but the modern Chinese romanization of "Shangjuan" would be Xiang-yuan. This is really not the best name because it could also refer to citron (Citrus medica) or pomelo, in a more general sense. 
"Xiang", by itself, translates as "fragrant". The "yuan" part is a character that shows the symbol of "tree" or "plant" but pronounced in a special way, and most commonly associated specifically with citron. It's possible the sound of the word "yuan" originally derived from the word for "round" or "ball".

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Cold hardy lemons
« on: March 16, 2024, 01:45:57 AM »
I can share my experiences of an Ichang lemon growing in the U.S. Pacific Northwest climate region, climate zone 8a.

It started off in a container outside.
One year, during a cold winter, the plant was severely damaged and suffered much die-back. It was much more damaged than two Bloomsweet grapefruit plants that were right next to it. So I thought this showed that Ichang lemon was not very freeze tolerant.
But then another year it went through a winter colder than the first, and the Ichang lemon seemed to survive through it well, while the two Bloomsweet grapefruit plants ended up being killed.
The plants growing in containers were not far from the house, and got only moderate sun exposure during the winter.

Then I put the Ichang lemon in the ground, in a very sheltered spot on the south-facing side of the house, up against a wall. It was not covered or otherwise protected in any way. It was a moderate winter, with mild temperatures most of the time, but three days of moderate freeze, outside temperatures probably going down to maybe around 13.5 to 14.5 °F ( -10 °C).
It seems to have survived well, and as of March 15, the leaves are not looking too unhealthy, looks like it will do well and grow a lot this year.

I can also point out I planted two small Ichang papeda plants in the ground, further away from the house, and both of them did not end up surviving. Declined a little bit after going through the first winter, and then were finally killed by the second winter, even though the second winter was not as cold as the first. Yuzu seems to grow faster and recover better than Ichang papeda here, but Yuzu can also show decline and be killed.
In this climate, it seems very important to plant in a protected spot, very close to a house, in an area that is not as open and will not get much wind blowing across.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: F2 Citrandarin (X-639) winter hardiness trial
« on: March 16, 2024, 01:20:49 AM »
I'd love to have thermostatically controlled heat mats but given the quantity of trays I'd need to heat I'm not wanting to invest the money in them. I'm hoping that I still see a decent enough germination rate without them.

I found that heating mats do not seem to work very well, since they result in excessive drying out of soil. (Moisture tends to move from warmer areas away to cooler areas) 
What I found works better is having an enclosure to be able to contain humidity in the air, and then having a small heat source within the enclosure. Even possibly a heat mat under an open container of water. This way the warmth and humidity can migrate to the seedlings, rather than the seedlings being directly warmed and then losing moisture to the surrounding air.

Since you have a clear plastic lid to cover it, heat mats may be able to work. But it is still going to result in much condensation.

Both LED lights or fluorescent will work equally well, and special LED grow lights do not really work any better than normal LED light. Theoretically, LED is more efficient and uses less energy, but in reality none of the energy is really "wasted" since the wasted energy all turns into heat, which is desirable in this situation. If this is being kept in an unheated room, you might even consider insulation panels that are coated on one side with reflective metal foil, to help hold in the heat.

Here is the Ichang Lemon. Not looking too bad. Right up against the wall of the house.

Here is the Dunstan citrumelo. The top branch which goes up (and is too tall to fit into the picture) is 5 feet and 7 inches high (170 cm).
It's doing very well, still has its leaves.

pictures taken February 26, 2024

The Ichangquat did not end up surviving and is now dead. It seems to have suffered a gradual decline, finally being unable to recover after one winter, even though it had gone through colder winters before.
(I will say that it was in a colder spot in the yard, away from the house, that is shaded most of the day during the winter season. An Arctic Frost - own root - was previously unable to survive there, so maybe it is just not the best spot)

There is still another ichangquat seedling (not a trifoliate hybrid) that has a full inch of alive green at its base, but it has not been able to put out any leaf growth over the last 2 years. Perhaps this year might be different. The green color does look like a healthy alive green though. The top of the seedling was killed back during a colder winter.
(It's also away from the house but in a sunnier spot)

Furthermore, if multiple research projects reach the same point and one proposes something different, science is consolidated by evidence and because its results are repeatable, not by exceptions.
Unfortunately I think you are confusing "science" with what this actually is.
(You are making an error in reasoning known as equivocation fallacy)

You are treating this as if these are different experiments that each prove the same thing. In actuality, each of these studies are just examining certain markers. Probably many of those markers overlap between the different studies.
It is not really fair to say that because multiple studies have pointed to the same result that it means this is much greater evidence than if it were just one of these studies.

It might be more appropriate to view this in terms of mathematical statistics, but even to do that you would have to compare exact genetic markers between these studies, which would be difficult (for us).

If some people here reinterpret research results based on taste and personal impressions, turn lemon into citron, turn the results upside down to suit their own personal preferences (I'm not talking about you, Lauta!), then this is not helpful, it creates confusion and is pure speculation and certainly not scientific.
I accept your criticism, and you have a point, but I think the specific example you pointed to, turn lemon into citron, is a really bad example to point to, on your part.

True, I did a lot of other speculation in my post, but that specific thing (lemon into citron) is a very obvious thing, I think. I might not have precisely logically derived it from the specific data, but it is common sense.

Unfortunately I am afraid there may be a little bit of a language barrier between us, so communication about some of these precise things might be difficult.

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