Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Overhyped avocados
« on: July 28, 2024, 10:46:17 PM »
I'm hostile to haters but still chill to Brad because he has bomb avocado shade grown or not.
Then Hass has a weak growth pattern in FallbrookSun burn issues is pretty low on the complaint list I have. It usually just happens on trees that fruit a lot and branches sag horizontally. Certain trees also have weaker growth pattern and are more prone.
If you live on top of a mountain there is not shade trees to speak of. Its all chapparal as far as the eye can see. Theres not easy ways to shade trees here and really it is not necessary. My trees are fine in full sun.
My gripes with most of these varieties has nothing to do with how they perform in the sun.
I do agree that a bit of shade would be nice. Maybe some clouds and rain every now and then. But that is just not how the summer is here. Its full sun every day and no clouds for months during summer.
I did plant a lot of banana trees in between lychee trees to get them shade while getting established and that did work well. It was a pain to remove the bananas when the time came though. But that sort of thing does work.
Hass doesnt have a weak growth pattern but it does load up with fruit and can get sun damage. Yes its a known problem. You are right. Not sure why you are so hostile. Take a chill pill dude.