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Topics - Desertcitrus

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Citrus General Discussion / WLD prevention
« on: November 30, 2024, 11:49:53 PM »
I really want to bring my lemon tree in for the rest of the winter. I read Millets 2014 post but still unsure how to prevent WLD. My mother in law waited until in snowed and then brought her Meyer lemon in and she lost very few leaves but she waters it very little and even though it’s south west windows I think the blinds are forgotten to be opened for long periods and her tree is doing great. Any suggestions?

Citrus General Discussion / Is this leaf miner?
« on: October 21, 2024, 03:34:20 PM »
I have all these squiggly lines on my newer leaves and they are starting to curl. But there isn’t anything on the back of the leaves. Is this leaf miner damage or something else? It’s on almost all of my trees.

Citrus General Discussion / Is this a Meyer lemon?
« on: October 21, 2024, 03:31:29 PM »
This was labeled as a Meyer from a big box store when I bought it earlier this spring. But my old Meyer lemon tree produced lemons that were round like a ball and this one has a little of a neck. What do you think? The other variety they were selling was Eureka.

Citrus General Discussion / Plant in ground now 8b?
« on: October 01, 2024, 01:57:15 PM »
I live in zone 8b. I bought 1 gallon trees from Madison’s this spring.i also have some 5 and 15 gallon older trees.  Can I plant them in ground now? Haven’t had space to plant them till now. My logic is I don’t want to bring 8 trees in and out all winter. And I want their root system to settle before spring. I will protect them with C9 lights and 2 layers of frost cloth. This has been the hottest fall I can remember so my guess is it will be a mild winter also. Any thoughts?

Citrus General Discussion / Is UGA pink frost grapefruit good?
« on: June 16, 2024, 11:00:25 PM »
Is UGA pink frost grapefruit have good flavor and is more on the sweet side like a white grapefruit?

Citrus General Discussion / Is this citrus blight?
« on: June 06, 2024, 02:10:01 PM »
Is this citrus blight or sunburn? Almost all my trees have been sunburned recently with the high temps we are having but someone mentioned they thought it was citrus blight. I don’t live is a citrus state so I’m not sure how my tree would have blight.

What is your most heavy producing citrus tree. I’m tired of having divas and want 3 trees. 1. Sour like a lemon or Limequat. 2 sweet.  3. Sweet and cold tolerant.

I have been thinking about getting these in this order but I am open to suggestions
Xie Shan
Cara Cara
Lakeland Limequat
Bloom sweet grapefruit
Nordmann seedless kumquat
Thomasville citrangequat
Variegated pink lemon

I have a
Naval orange that is a diva
variegated minneola (new)
Miewa(new and little)
Meyer that hasn’t kept any fruit yet (the small one has but I bought it for my sister. )
Owari (I just planted in ground this year)

I have two Meyer lemon trees that I bought at the same time this year. The little one seems to be on its own roots.  And the larger one is on Carrizo rootstock.
They both bloomed at the same time. And both continue to set more blooms. But the large one is not holding onto ANY fruit. The little one is holding onto tons of fruit, even though it is such a teeny tree. both have fast draining soil. And both get the same fertilizing regimen and same sunlight. The big one is directly behind the little one in the one picture.

Citrus General Discussion / What is this on my naval leaves?
« on: May 29, 2024, 09:44:06 PM »
Does anyone know what these black spots are on my naval orange leaves?

Citrus General Discussion / Sunburn or something else?
« on: May 29, 2024, 09:20:31 PM »
Is this sunburn on my little Lisbon? Or something else?

Citrus General Discussion / Giant bonsai shaped kumquat trees
« on: May 18, 2024, 01:43:39 PM »
I found videos and pictures of large kumquat trees shaped like rats, dragons and Christmas trees in Vietnam for TET. It is vietnams largest celebration. In the pictures and videos it looks like the grow the trees in mounds and then dig them up when they sale them and plant them it pots. Some of the pots have multiple trees planted in them like the dragon shows ones but I believe the other ones just have one tree. I would love to try something like this and use the kumquat tree as my Christmas tree one year. Any thoughts? What kind of kumquat do u think is used? They are round.

Citrus General Discussion / Naval orange
« on: April 19, 2024, 07:13:06 PM »
M naval in bloom, smells so good. 🤞 hoping not all the fruit drops this year.


Isn’t c-35 rootstock highly incompatible with any type of eureka? If so why am I finding all these trees here at big box stores with them grafted together?  Am I wrong or do they not care and are just trying to make money? How long does it take to show incompatibility? Their grafts look really good so I’m just wondering.

Citrus General Discussion / Meyer lemon on carrizo good or bad?
« on: April 04, 2024, 04:35:00 PM »
I found a Meyer lemon at Lowe’s on carrizo rootstock. I want to plant it in ground. Is this a good idea? I read that rootstock does not to well in high PH soils but if I amended the soil every year would it do ok?

Citrus General Discussion / Variegated minneola
« on: March 24, 2024, 08:40:33 PM »
Soooo excited. I just bought a Miewa kumquat (it’s been in my list for a long time) and a variegated minneola from Madison citrus nursery. And it’s sooooo beautiful. I’m so excited. And there are so many more I want.

Citrus General Discussion / Just bought a Miewa kumquat.
« on: March 20, 2024, 02:47:49 PM »
I just bought a Miewa kumquat knowing it was a slow grower but know I’m  wondering if I made a mistake after reading some post about people’s Miewa’s. Mine is on x-639 root stock. Anyone have good success with their Miewa? I can also put it in the ground I would just rather put it in a pot just in case we move in the next couple of years. Thoughts?

Citrus General Discussion / Can I use old pot?
« on: March 19, 2024, 05:47:03 PM »
I want to use an old ceramic glazed pot for my new tree. But I don’t know why my last lime tree  died. Is there any risk in putting my new minneola tree in the same pot with different soil?

Citrus General Discussion / Foliage pro and osmocote vs jacks
« on: February 20, 2024, 04:48:24 PM »
What is people opinion about using foliage pro and osmocote plus together vs jacks fertilizer?

Citrus General Discussion / Perlite size
« on: January 23, 2024, 02:44:50 PM »
Does the size of perlite in a 5-1-1 mix matter? Can you use a pine and fir bark mix instead of just pine or CHC chips?

Citrus General Discussion / What if I repot now?
« on: January 17, 2024, 01:10:21 PM »
I realized that maybe one reason why my naval isn’t keeping fruit is I haven’t repotted in 5 years. Can I repot it now and still get blossoms and fruit this year? I can either still leave it outside or bring it in the house after repotting. Then I will use a fert high in K like millet suggested.

Citrus General Discussion / 5-1-1
« on: January 10, 2024, 09:25:55 PM »
I’m going to switch my citrus to 5-1-1 mix soon. I have used coco coir chunks in the past and had great success but I have heard you can use pine chips. What’s the difference? Is one better? Other than pine being cheaper.

Citrus General Discussion / Citrus cocktail
« on: December 29, 2023, 12:42:13 AM »
I’m thinking of adding a citrus cocktail tree to my life but wondered what peoples opinions are about them. My space is so limited and there are so many trees that I want but don’t have the space for.

I have had this naval orange for 4-5 yrs. It gave me fruit the first 1-2 yrs but nothing since. It flowered amazing last year but I lost all of it. I tried spraying it with urea 2 years ago and I still lost the fruit. I have it in the turf mix that others have used here but I have not consistently fertilized it. I use the jacks fert but I’m thinking of changing to osmocote plus and foliage pro in hopes the osmocote will help it get fertilized more. I really really want fruit this year any tips? Would planting it in the ground right now help? I live zone 8b.

Citrus General Discussion / Is this pot big enough?
« on: May 26, 2023, 09:03:10 PM »
Is this pot big enough to transplant this tree into?

Citrus General Discussion / Help, I’m loosing all my Meyer lemons
« on: May 25, 2023, 08:09:44 PM »
Help! I’m loosing all my Meyer lemons. How do I make it stop? They are almost grape size and I’m afraid the golf ball sized are next. I bought it at star nursery in Las Vegas for my mother in law a couple of weeks ago. And bought one with lemons on it so she would like it better. I moved it to a semi shady spot then it started loosing the really small lemons so I moved it to a sunny spot. I also sprayed it with the correct amount of neem oil because aphids were attacking 2 near by trees. I also pulled back a few 1-2 inches of soil and added compost. At that time I noticed the feeder roots were at least 3-4 inches down and that compared to my other citrus the soil drained a lot slower. I have been fertilizing it and it has a new flush of leaves. It was just loosing the tiny lemons but now it’s gradually loosing larger and larger lemons. It’s possible I over watered it in the beginning but I haven’t watered it in a week and it’s still dropping lemons.

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