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Topics - Janpol

Pages: [1]
Have Russians ever created cold hardy citruses varietes with higher resistance to low temperatures etc. like they did with tomatoes or pomegranates? I do not mean HYBRIDS between species or with poncirus. I just mean VARIETIES of pure e.g. sweet orange, grapefruit, lemon and so on. Or maybe it's just irrelevant bc of citrus biology and tree character?

I've just found really interesting article
What do you think guys? Is that possible and true or just fanciful and imaginary?

I'm looking for place/website in Europe where i can buy/gain some hardy olives (like preferably galatsaniki variety) and russian/ukrainian pomegranates like nikitski ranni variety. I'm only interested in rooted plants with their own roots. Maybe some of users here have it and can propagate? Thank you in advance for any help or tips.
PS. I've seen tons of offerts with them but all in USA!!! The only website i found them in Europe belongs to slovakian nursery but the owner told me they stopped propagating and selling them!!

Hi everyone,
Like in the title of this topic - i want to push my hardiness zone and plant sth special that will provide tasty, high quality crop/food. I have on my property 3 places that can have high pottential to do that with really good microclimat.
Here are the photos of those :

First is probably the most protected and warm. It's small piece of land inside the household ambulatory/curtilage/cloister - I mean enclosed area made with all buildings around house besides small vehicle entrance which is "hole". As you can see from the north - sea - there is barn, from the West is byre and house and from the East is wood shed. The vehicle entrance is from the south- land mass- and also it's south exposition so there is plenty of sun. So far there is some old grape vine that doing very well.

Second is the lake. I guess there is some microclimats here bc of the water. There is some hedges/bushes from south, East and West, only from north (where photo Was taken) there is no bushes but in some distance - buildings. Maybe on the edges down to the center of that lake there is possibility for sth exotic?

And The third is south exposition Wall of utility room that belongs to that enclosed area in the First photo. Also plenty of sun. North is of course protected bc of that Wall, south no, west is house and east nothing but in some distance (not far away) there is willow Forest Wall.

So i'm curious what can be actually grown in those three places? Let Me know guys what do you think and your propositions for the most even extremely exotic plants that could doing well there. I Was thinking about some citrus, olive, acca,  loquat or even ... mexicola avocado.
Ps. I have in plan fig tree, persimmon and asimina in different places for sure so i'm not including them here.

Like in title, do you guys know any website in Europe that sell rooted (not grafted) fruit trees like citrus, avocado etc.?TIA for any information.

As in the title.

I am asking for a professional answer.

Temperate Fruit Discussion / How to prune peach tree?
« on: March 22, 2020, 10:31:17 AM »
I have grown peach tree since 2015. Now It measuring three meters height. In my opinion it is too high and dense. How prune it for abundant fruiting? Please mark places of cut in photographs.

From the front :

From the second side :

From the first side :

Citrus General Discussion / Compost heating for greenhouse
« on: December 13, 2019, 04:22:39 PM »
I need your opinions or advices about compost heating . From what you can read on the internet, it is really cheap and ecological way to provide heat. The compost inside can reach a temperature of up to 80 degrees C. Do you think that in this way in 6b zone in winter you can heat a small greenhouse of plexiglas and polycarbonate (about 2m2)? Of course, this is not about high temperatures. The idea is to keep the temperature in the greenhouse around 5-7 degrees C, suitable for wintering olives, pomegranates, citrus plants etc. I choose this option because for me it is not possible to connect electricity and coal heating is unhealthy and quite dangerous.It is an effective solution? I look forward to your advice.

Best regards,


Tropical Fruit Discussion / My green nook
« on: December 01, 2019, 12:13:22 PM »
I grow exotic plants in a flat. Now they are standing under the lamp and wintering. Here are some photos of them :

Matisia soegengii :

Myrciaria sp. escarlate :

Graviola (Annona muricata) - August 2019

Browneopsis ucayalina (June 2019) - now it's ugly. Have you got some advice to grown this plant?

Synsepalum dulcificum (November 2019)

That's all for now. I will add more photos soon.

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) in Poland?
« on: November 16, 2019, 05:34:53 AM »
I planted this tree in March this spring. It is cultivar "Muscat". It has around two meters height. Since May it has begun to grow and even bloomed. It grew weakly. It didn't fruit due to cold May. Now it hasn't got any leaves, but some twigs is withering away. It is wintering. Krakow is situated on 6b zone. Persimmon can withstand frosts. How cover  it for winter? Maybe it cope uncovered? How care about it?

March 2019:

April 2019 :

May 2019 :

June 2019 :

Now :

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