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Topics - JakeFruit

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I've caught the jackfruit bug and have some space, hoping to get some feedback on a plan for ~3 trees. UF/IFAS says they get 30-40' tall and need 20-25' spacing, but then their variety descriptions listed in the table at the end of the article claim some can be kept at 8'. If I choose a few manageable varieties, what's the long-term height/width realities for a tree when it's actively maintained?

I've only had a few samplings of the fruit, all have been fairly crunchy with bubblegum, banana and tropical notes. I'm not too concerned with dialing in exactly on the 3 best fruits for my palate; popular, reliable varieties are what I want to start with. Hoping to cover as much of the fruiting season as possible. Going by the UF website, these trees sound like they would do that and stay fairly small:

Gold Nugget (May-June)
Cheena (July-August)
Black Gold (Sept-Oct)

If it matters, I'm right next to the Intercoastal Waterway, maybe 1/2 a mile from the Gulf.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / MOVED: Best CBD Products
« on: March 21, 2024, 09:28:27 PM »

I have a friend who has to meet city requirements by replacing the trees they removed with 5" caliper trees (~16" diameter circumference). They want to do a mango and avocado; they are open to whatever varieties might be available. Pots would be great, but they'd also cover the cost of digging whatever up, too. Even some random seedling will be fine, just can't be scraggly-looking (should have a main trunk, no bifurcation for the first 1-3 above ground). Please PM or post pics if you have something that fits the need. Thanks!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What Pest is attacking my Longan Tree?
« on: November 03, 2023, 11:13:27 AM »
Finally got my little tree looking healthy, but in the last two months I’ve been noticing very tiny white flecks under the leaves and in the branches. Mostly random individual flecks, but they definitely colonize in patches (like in the pics below). Leaves started turning yellow & dropping. Tried poking/prodding the flecks, nothing is moving (don't think it's a fly), looks like a scale. Really hoping it’s not the dreaded mite…

I drenched it completely with Monterey Horticultural Oil yesterday. It’s a tiny tree, so I’ll brush whatever it is off in a few days (if it’s still there). Just want to have a plan ready for the next time I notice it.

Just realized I have ACPs on my potted citrus trees, must have introduced them via citrus trees I bought from Home Depot a few months ago. I drenched all my citrus with Spinosad ~2 weeks ago, just now did another drench with horticultural oil today and think I need to do a soil drench soon to combat them over the winter. I see there's a Monterey Soil Drench and a Bayer Advanced Fruit, Citrus & Vegetable product that both claim to be effective against ACP, but both give instructions for in-ground trees. Has anybody used either of these products with potted citrus? I'm trying to figure out which one would work best and how I should apply it with potted citrus.

All my citrus showed the beginning signs of a flush and I noticed the little buggers on it. Took me a few days, but I mixed up a bottle of Monterey Garden Insect Spray (with Spinosad) and doused them two days ago. Just examined them this morning and I still noticed a few of them still perched on the new growth. It's my first time trying to control for these, so I'm wondering:

  • Should the spray have killed the bugs or warded them off? Or, is it like CLM, it's the larvae it kills?
  • If I'm still seeing the flies, should I spray again (since I still see them)?
  • Will the new growth be curled and stunted, even though I caught them at an early stage? It's looking a little off, but the growth is ~1/4" long, under a week into pushing.


There are threads for days on here asking for people's favorite dwarf/compact/condo variety, but I can't recall anyone asking for opinions on the opposite end of the growth spectrum. I'm taking down a big laurel/water oak that provides good shade, but is too close to things that matter to me (Hurricane Ian snapped some big limbs on it, and we didn't get hit that hard). I'm looking for options on trees that go more or less straight up, rather than spreading, to replace it. Thick/dense canopy would also be great, but I'm guessing that doesn't jibe with my primary desire.

Anybody have some suggestions they could share?

Interested in picking up a box this next week (I'd rather drive than pay for shipping).
Don't all have to be ripe/ready to eat now, I'd prefer a sampling that ripen up between pickup and a week or two (so I'm not gorging the entire box all at once).

Just now ordered way more than I need; figure at least a few of you have been waiting for them to become available.

Citrus General Discussion / Lime leaves curling
« on: March 07, 2023, 12:34:19 PM »
I have a few Persian limes along with Meyer lemons in pots right next to each other. Two weeks ago gave all of them a top dressing of compost along with some well-aged cow manure. Lemons are putting out healthy new leaves, but the limes are curling (see pics). It’s not CLM (it's an issue, but I know what CLM looks like), I can’t see any pests or damage to the new leaves, so I’m thinking it’s something in the top dressing. I also moved them to a slightly sunnier spot a week or two prior to the top dressing; they are getting maybe 3 hours of (early morning) extra sun, but are shaded from 11AM-3PM.

Any guesses on the issue (and solutions) are appreciated!

I have a fairly big glazed pot in a conspicuous space that I'm thinking to put a mango in. I currently have similar-sized IC and DH trees (~3' tall), wondering which will be more visually pleasing (once it gets larger), anybody have an opinion? Anything looking sparse, lanky, droopy, etc., will lead to me catching constant flack from my wife.

I also have Amrapali (which seems super sloooow-growing), Pickering & Rosiegold, but they are each a year or two's growth behind my IC/DH.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB/ISO Dupuis avocado scions
« on: January 09, 2023, 11:02:44 AM »
Hoping to buy half a dozen or so of Dupuis, feel free to PM me.


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