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Topics - GFC

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It's been close to 90 days since my banana tree flowered. This is my first exp with a fruiting banana tree. This is what they look like today.

Do I need to add anything to the planting hole. Thanks

6 yrs ago I planted 2 Lapins cherry trees. I have taken very good care of them. They have not produced any fruit buds. On March 1 I planted a bare-root Montmorency Pie Cherry Tree I ordered online from Home Depot. To my surprise it produced 2 flowers. The flowers did not produce fruit.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / OT How to keep cats from landscape
« on: April 24, 2023, 11:10:44 AM »
My next door neighbor cats keep doing their business in my landscape. I planted some annuals and put down mulch. Now her 2 cats have a favorite place to pee and poop. How can I deter them without harming them. 

Looking for nice landscape Crabapple to plant in my front yard.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Want to buy dwarf yard long bean seeds
« on: January 02, 2023, 09:55:04 PM »
For shipping to USA. Thanks

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Some of my cold protection prep
« on: December 23, 2022, 04:26:08 PM »
I purchased a 9 x 4 portable greenhouse for cold protection around 2 goldfinger bananas, also wrapped with burlap and added a small space heater.

Barbados cherry- Frost blanket with 4 poles. Xmas lights inside.
Sweet almond- Blankets and hay
Cold sensitive citrus - Burlap wraps around trunk. Frost blankets with 4 poles
Cherry of Rio Grande. Frost blanket, xmas lights

I put cold sensitive plants in shed

My older citrus I only put hay around trunk and watered all cold sensitive trees well. Not much else I can do.

I live near Gainesville Fl and im preparing for the coming cold that's coming this friday (22), sat (23), sun (25), mon (31). I've put hay around the base of my cold sensitive citrus and sweet almond trees. Also plan on wrapping with burlap and placing frost blankets as well. My Barbados cherry going to put xmas lights and a frost blanket. Should I remove the fruit from my citrus trees. I don't want to leave them on if the cold ruins them.

I have one Ivy Gourd plant in a pot. I bought it off ebay out of curiosity. Do I need to bring the plant indoors when the temp is 32 and under. I live a few miles west of Gainesville Fl. zone 8b

Citrus General Discussion / Identify this citrus tree
« on: September 30, 2022, 12:49:13 PM »
Does this look variety look familiar to anyone.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Id this plant
« on: August 25, 2022, 04:58:57 PM »
Some wild plant growing in the wood line on my property.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Sweet Almond bush
« on: July 31, 2022, 04:12:03 PM »
Is anyone growing this in your landscape. I just found out about it today. Where is the best places to buy it. I looked on Etsy but shipping was too expensive.

Recipes / Tangelo Turkey Rice
« on: June 26, 2022, 12:52:19 AM »
1 cup rice
2 cups cooked turkey
1/2 cup tangelo juice
1/2 cup butter
1 cup chopped yellow onion
2 cups mushrooms, chopped
1 cup thinly sliced tangelo peel
 1/2 tsp Paprika
salt and pepper to taste

Combine stock, 1 cup tangelo juice, bring to a boil. Add rice, simmer until tender. Melt butter in a skillet brown, saute onions, tangelo peel, mushrooms, paprika until lightly browned, salt and pepper. Add turkey and tangelo juice. Cover and cook 10 minutes. Serve with vegetables.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Can someone ID this plant for me
« on: April 15, 2022, 07:51:04 PM »
I neighbor gave me this plant before moving out of state. Have no idea what is it and if I want to keep it. Thanks

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What is this growing on my crape myrtles
« on: March 22, 2022, 03:44:22 PM »
This is a random picture of a similar growth on my CM trees. Hopefully it will not infect my fruit trees.

Hate to see all my blooms on my citrus and fruit trees get killed by this late freeze. I think if your south of Ocala you will be fine.

Citrus General Discussion / Texas naval orange variety
« on: January 11, 2022, 06:00:59 PM »
Is there a specific variety of Texas naval orange or just a naval orange grown in Texas

Recipes / Kumquat No Bake 5 Ingredients Cream Pie Recipe
« on: December 27, 2021, 02:07:38 PM »
I really enjoyed this pie. I used fresh kumquats off my KQ tree.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / How cold tolerant is Choquette Avocado
« on: December 16, 2021, 01:56:37 PM »
My Choquette avocado tree was a picture of perfect health up until we had temps in the lower 30's on one occasion and a few days when the temp dipped to almost 40. Almost all the leaves are dead now that you can see in the picture but the rest of the tree looks fine. Hopefully the tree will fully recover.

Should I remove this sucker on my Hood pear tree. Its above the graft line, I believe. Also I noticed a ground sucker emerged next to the potted mango seedling. Its 18 mo old. Should I remove it as well.

I'm just west of Gainesville and it looks like the drought is finally over. Plants and trees loving the rain.

 How much growth do I need to see before removing grafting tape from the top section of mango scion. I also placed a plastic bag over the scion. I performed the graft on 4/28. This was my first graft attempt. Thanks

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Naranjo navel orange tree from Lowes
« on: March 10, 2021, 04:58:40 PM »
Bought this from Lowes this past Monday.  Anyone familiar with this variety.

All my plum trees are setting flowers where I live in Florida (West of Gainesville). Should I apply fertilizer now or hold off until March.

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