I have 2 cherimoya trees, greenhouse culture. For a start, this year both of them produced exceptionally low amout on flower buds, following the yearly prune and leaf strip at the end of april. Now, as the temperatures have gotten to their summer readings, the greenhouse scores around 30C, at near ground level, those are not everiday readings, but the highest ones. The upper temperature should be higher, probably maximum around 35 C. Ive read that high temperatures lead to pollen sterility, low pollen germonation, and fruit set. The few buds that the trees had, are starting to abort , and i believe it may be due to the high temperatures, as last year i had several fruit on one of the plants, around wallnut size, which few of 2 days after when the greenhouse got up to 40C, which was an major accident.
The gh is vented all day long, cloused at night, will be removing the policarbonate from the doors today, as night temperatures have increased drastically.
On a side note, this is the second year , in which the trees produce very little flower buds, since ive installed the heating in the gh. I feew like its too warm for them at all times now, as i had a marvelous fruit crop the second summer after planting, the heating of the gh that first winter was much worse, and i think the cold back then triggered the strong bloom on both of them.