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Topics - Plantinyum

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Monstera Deliciosa will be flowering soon
« on: July 08, 2024, 01:55:50 AM »
My plant is around 4 years old, i really hoped for it to do something this year, and it did not dissapoint. The blooms are very slow to come out, and the pictures arent quite clear at this point, but i am sure it will bloom. From the looks of it, there will be at least 2 blooms , and the plant will probably terminate its growth right there, as a growth bud is waking up, right below the future blooms. Hope it makes a cluster of blooms, as ive seen such pictures online. In one of the pics ive circuled the future flowers. 

I want to get 2 fans for the gh, aiming for a sollar powered solution, also for a fan that will move the air inside, than rather taking air out. As far as i understand, exaust fans take air out, and ventilation ones take air in, right? So as most of the products i find are labeled as exaust's, could i get one and turn it on its other side, so that it blows in, or should i rather  get a ventillation fan? I know sollars will be weaker , compared to electric devices, but i am willing to try them out' as i dont want to mess with cables and stuff. Also bein sollar, they will pretty much run only when needed.  Anyone can  reccomend a brand or a particular model, i am finding alot of exaust tipe ones, its hard to choose. Thanks!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Dolomite reviels
« on: June 06, 2024, 02:25:35 PM »
I got this, with the intention of using it on my tropicals, inground. Read it elevates the soil's ph, should i use just a little bit every now and then?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Cherimoya flower bud abortion
« on: June 04, 2024, 03:03:52 AM »
I have 2 cherimoya trees, greenhouse culture. For a start, this year both of them produced exceptionally low amout on flower buds, following the yearly prune and leaf strip at the end of april. Now, as the temperatures have gotten to their summer readings, the greenhouse scores around 30C, at near ground level, those are not everiday readings, but the highest ones. The upper temperature should be higher, probably maximum around 35 C. Ive read that high temperatures lead to pollen sterility, low pollen germonation, and fruit set. The few buds that the trees had, are starting to abort , and i believe it may be due to the high temperatures, as last year i had several fruit on one of the plants, around wallnut size, which few of 2 days after when the greenhouse got up to 40C, which was an major accident. 
The gh is vented all day long, cloused at night, will be removing the policarbonate from the doors today, as night temperatures have increased drastically.
On a side note, this is the second year , in which the trees produce very little flower buds, since ive installed the heating in the gh. I feew like its too warm for them at all times now, as i had a marvelous fruit crop the second summer after planting, the heating of the gh that first winter was much worse, and i think the cold back then triggered the strong bloom on both of them.

At first i thought it was to be a peruvian apple, but the pictures online do not match the plant in question. Can someone identify if for me , thanks a lot !

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Paths in greenhouses
« on: May 10, 2024, 09:08:16 AM »
I am thinking of removing the concreet tile path in the greenhouse, the slightly raised beds in which the plants are planted have started spilling the dirt out of them, and onto the tiles, i have quail which do do this. Due to the constant topping with mulch from the plants, the soil has risen quite a bit up, from the root flares of most of the plants, i originally planted them a bit deeper that needed, which is a problem. I have cut up buckets, which are placed around the bases of them, so soil does not touch the trunks.
If i remove the tiles, the place that gets freed will easily accomodate the excess dirt. I think that the plants would benefit  with the thinner soil layer on top of their roots, right now some of them are planted like 20 sm below grade.
I could then place back the tiles, but do i need to? I mean, if no tiles, will the soil get too compact from me walking on it? I awlays try not to step outside of the tiles, as to not compact the soil. Another problem i have with them is that ive found a few dry dirt pockets underneath the tiles, as i dont water there. My thoughts are that without tiles, the soil will get compacted, but i dont know if it will be enough to cause problems.
Any thoughts?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Mango problems
« on: May 03, 2024, 05:07:24 AM »
Hi, what does this look like to you? The problem with the new leaves arouse in last fall, strugles to make new leaves, and if it does, they are sickly looking and die shortly after. Havent been fertilized , the first feed was 2 days ago.
The old foliage is mostly undamaged, the plant has seen some low temps, at the minimum of 2-3 C, but the problem with the new leaves was prevalent from their start, which was sometime in late summer last year, when it wasnt cold. I am not entirely sure about the time frame,  in which this occured  though.  Another hint i thought of is that the very last leaves were/ are a lot curlier and wavy , compared to the previous ones. Any clues?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Are those jaboticaba seeds?
« on: April 25, 2024, 05:04:09 PM »
A friend send me about 20 of theese, said they were send to him as jaboticaba seeds, the seeds are the size of a chineese jujube or a big lemon seed, with very hard shells , almost as thick as on an almond as an example, very hard to break. Inside is a tiny seed embrio, also reminiscent in shape of an almond, just rounder and smaller.
What doesnt add up is that i thought that jabo seeds are soft, also read treads on here in which people claim to eat the seeds along with the pulp, the ones i have are like rocks , def could not chew trough those....
I quess my friend got scammed over those seeds, i have suspicions that those are not jabo seeds...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Macadamia question
« on: April 22, 2024, 10:16:02 AM »
I just got this macadamia, the plant is exceeding 2 meters in heigh, not grafted i suppose, did not see any graft scars. The leaves are quite prickly, at the base of the stem i found a falf buried shel, suppose its from the seed that the plant was grown from, as it has the right shape.
So now that i know that the plant is a seedling, will i be able to get it to fruit on its own? I will plant it in my greenhouse , inground, heated in winter. My main concern is if it would be able to bear without a companion?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Grafting Grumichama onto surinam cherry
« on: March 27, 2024, 02:18:13 AM »
I am getting a grumichama plant i a month or so, can i graft from it, onto my surinam cherry? I wont top work the surinam, but rather want to add the grumichama, since i dont have a place in the greenhouse, where i could plant it.
Could they be grafted to each other?

I think this is the species of aphid, that is wrecking havoc in my greenhouse right now. I am looking into using a bio grade product called Naturalis, which contains a strain of a flesh eating fungus called Beauveria Bassiana. On the product, it does not mention whether it could be used and is effective on whooly aphids, i wonder if i should use this , or go whith a unnorganic pesticide instead?
They do not even blink when i use neem oil, i feel like i am applying sun tan on them. I have quails in the greenhouse, because of which i not to use strong chemicals, but i do use them as a last resort.
Has someone used the above mentioned product, on wholly aphids? I would like to hear your experience with it, as i am a bit worried on introducing this fungus into the greenhouse system.
As a side question, how do you control whooly aphids? 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Can anyone recognize this plinia species?
« on: February 05, 2024, 05:40:56 AM »
Wonder what kind of plinia this is, its easy to tell it is not the regular sabata tipe jaboticaba, what could it be?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Papaya air layering
« on: January 23, 2024, 11:05:18 AM »
Hello, as my mountain papaya plants have outgrown their place highwise, in the greenhouse, i want to air layer them so i lower the heigh and hopefully get a new plant for pot culture, which should be a more campact of a grower. I found several videos on youtube , of how people get papaya plants to root at various heights on the stem, so i will do this method .
Have all the materials and will set them airlayers today.
Has someone here on the forum tried this technique?
Here is a link to one of the videos.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Anyone growing Uvaria Ruffa
« on: November 11, 2023, 05:07:15 AM »
I have several very sad looking seedlings, that look like they might die any moment now. They are around a year old and are just about 5 -10 cm high. Leaves are light yelowwish green, they do not grow at all anymore, planted in well drained turf.
Can someone give me a hint as to what to do to make them grow? They were in the greenhouse all summer, in dapled shade, now they are inside the house ,on a south facing window.  I have 2 soursops that i started along with the uvaria's, and those although still not doing wonderfull, are growing much better that the uvaria, if that is of any value showing what the conditionds are like.

My cherimoya trees did not flower as profusely as last year, i did a defoliation and a slight prune kinda late, at the end of july, one of them did not produce a single flower, 5h3 other one had around 20. They are big plants and did had a very strong flower flush last year, when one of them set 50 fruit, the other one had 3.
The only thing i can think of ,that was different pas winter, was that i did the heating system in the greenhouse, which ended up very eficient at keeping the lowest temp in there at around 10-15 C ,most of the time, whereas for the winter of 2021-22, i had a sloppy heating system that kept the lowest temps anywhere around 5-10C, sometimes colder. The summer after this first cold winter for the plants in the greenhouse, that is when they had the strong bloom, after a defoliation and pruning in june.

Now i do have alot of controw over the temperature in the greenhouse right now, curntly i havent yet  turned on the heating system, because of the cherymoyas, in hopes of letting them accumulate a bit of chill hours. I dont know how long should i maintain low temperatures in there, today i had 6.2C inside, i do have other more tender things in there ,thats why i wonder if the weak bloom was because i kept it too warm for them over winter, or maybe it was due to the late prune and defoliation that i did?
Anyone growing cherimoya in a tropical place, where you dont get temperatures  below 10C and are still able to fruit cherimoya?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Pumice, lava rock , or both ?
« on: October 03, 2023, 07:18:05 AM »
I am looking into adding one or possibly both of those products to my potting soil for tropicals, bonsai and other more valuable plants. Should i use one or the other, or is it best to use both as an equal part in a potting mix?  I was thinking of getting just the lava rock, but i saw there is also pumice available.
What is your reccomendation?

I have 3 Vasconacaela Pubescens plants, planted in one hole. The biggest of them has theese flower clusters, to me they look like a hermaphrodite tipe flowers. Can someone with more experience tell what gender would those be? I dont know if this species is like the regular papaya, gender wise?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Forcing mango to branch out
« on: September 17, 2023, 03:07:53 AM »
I have this mango plant in my greenhouse, it has 3 main scaffold branches. The plant is starting to grow once again ,but only from the apical bud, i want it to start branching out . Should i remove the apical bud growth, in order to promote the dormant smaller buds, that are in the bases of the leaves?
I think theyve done the exact same thing in the nursery, there is a visible pruning point ,right above the start of the 3 branches.
Please keep in mind that i wont form this tree as one would if it was growing outside, i have a litited space in the greenhouse, so i am aiming towards a very small, but very branched tree, the variety is Zebda.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Do you thin your dragon fruit flower buds?
« on: September 15, 2023, 12:34:45 AM »
My plants have quite a few flowe buds right now, i wonder if i should remove a few, there are some branches with more than 2-3 on them, in close proximity.
One person suggested i should leave no more that 2 per branch. I really dont want to remove any as i dont know which one could be succesfull at hand pollination. The first 5 flowers all set fruit, the second 5, on both plants, sll aborted, despite the mix of pollen between the 2, my mother pollinated the failed ones. I wonder what went wrong with those....
Anyway, i would like to keep them becouse of having more potential for fruit .
The set fruit from the very first flowers are also visible.

Bought this a while ago, as a sugar dragon variety, i am not sure if it really is. Does it look like your sugar dragon plant, do they have the corcing on the ribs? Thanks!

I made a trellis/support for 2 of my dragon fruit plants, megalanthus seedlings, grafted onto undatus.  I used a pvc pipe, as a base i casted cement, which extends also up into the pipe itself, i also used some metal sticks for an additional strength.  So does fresh cement work well with pitaya roots? I mean, being so freshly casted, will it affect the plants if i happen to use it tomorrow?
I want to repot and change some of the soil of the plants, will add better draining one, also want to place them on the new trellis as i just saw that  they have their first flower buds, i need to make the plant a bit more compact so i can put it into the greenhouse, so that those buds have a chance. Its getting colder outside.
I would've left the cast to cure, but i am preshured right now, so want to use it now. The plants will be in a pot.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Question regarding dragon fruit pollination
« on: September 02, 2023, 08:09:46 AM »
I have the last 4 flowers on my 2 plants, that will be blooming tonight. I am currently not at home and theres no one else to pollinate them, i will be back tomorrow evening, will it be too late to pollinate them then?

I started theese over winter, i bought seeds for carica pubescens, that was the label. The seeds had some differences with the standard papaya seeds, visually. They were a bit more elongated, kinda pointy at both ends, also the ridjing on them was not as pronounced as on regular papaya seeds. They were bigger seeds too.
The plants are fuzzy, only upper surface of leaves is not, the central stem is also quite fuzzy, when younger.
I am seeing some young flower clusters on the biggest one, they contain around 5 individual flowers, as far as i can see, for the moment. Leaves also have a bit of an protrusions on the upper part of the leaf, right where the leaf connects to the petiole.
I am not sure if they are the species i bought seeds for, since pictures on the web show a bit different leaves, not as serrated, slender and pointy.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Freeze storage of passiflora pollen
« on: August 29, 2023, 02:01:12 PM »
I want to store pollen from my passiflora species , for cross pollination. Most of my plants do not meet within their blooming times and i hope i could store some pollen from my caerulea and alata, so hopefully i could be succesfull at cross pollinating my decaisneana, it seems to be self sterile.
Anyone storing passiflora pollen in the freezer for a longer term use?
Can you share your routine and steps on prepairing the pollen for storaje, i quess it should be similar to dragon fruit pollen procedures?
Thank you!!!

It is an exciting night for me, my 2 dragon fruit plants both opened their first flowers. That was just a perfect sinchrony on their part, the flowers look identical, olthought when they were buds there were some differences regarding looks, i was hopefull for them to be different varieties, but now i quess there is a high chance for them to be the same thing.
The only magor difference between the plants is that one of them has alot of aerial roots, the other one barely has any.
I crossed the flowers ,while i was pollinating them, also used some of their own pollen on both of them.
The flowers are just spectacular! Giant! The biggest flowers i have ever seen in person, really unique.

So can someone give at least an guiding id based on the looks of the flowers? I know an accurate variety name is somethink i probably cant get, without fruit, but does they at least look like it will be white fleshed, darker fleshed?

I have 3 more flower buds that will open in a few days, then 5 more that will be flowering probably around 2 weeks from now. I will be hand pollinating them all and will cross them as much as i can. Lets hope i get at least one fruit per plant.

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