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Topics - Alippincott

Pages: [1]
Citrus General Discussion / Help with citrus identification!
« on: November 10, 2024, 10:02:04 PM »
My neighbor has this citrus in their yard and last year I tried one of them they gave us. It was absolutely fantastic. My wife is normally not a citrus fan, but said it tastes like candy.

The tree has thorns, which might help with an ID.
I have grafted it to a seedling in my yard.

Any ideas on what it might generally be, or perhaps specifically what cultivar? These ones on the tree are not fully ripe yet.

I bought C-35 rootstock seeds and grew them for 1.5 years. I have way too many extra seedlings (like 15 extra).

I don't entirely understand CA quarantine law. If this is not allowed, that is fine. I live in Moorpark, and grew them from seed.

I am looking to trade or sell. I am interested in just about anything that is tasty!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Are these cherimoya roots fine?
« on: September 22, 2024, 07:26:26 PM »
The root on this is bent in a weird way and was hoping it's not going to be too bad in the future.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Caring for Seeds that take forever to germinate
« on: September 10, 2024, 12:10:26 PM »
I have a couple different seeds that I have heard take a long time to germinate:

Yang Mei (non-cracked seed)
Duguetia lepidota (yara yara)

What should I be doing with them until they decide to sprout?

Should I just hold onto the seeds in a dry area and plant them next spring?
Should I just stick them in soil and forget about them?
Should I be making sure the soil is watered regularly? (Constantly damp? Damp, then dry, then damp...? Skip watering during colder winter?)
Should I leave them outside exposed to the elements, or keep them indoors, temperature controlled?
Should I use a seedling heat mat to keep them warm the entire time?

I am interested in the blue fruiting cactus, cipocereus minesis from Brazil.

I just wanted to share my excitement as I finally had success with grafting scion wood onto seedlings. I used cleft grafts.

The things I learned to ensure success based on my failures:

Time of year; I tried in the spring time and it didn't seem quite hot enough to get the juices flowing. I tried early July this time and each one took.

Grafting tape; I originally tried some crappy stuff from amazon that was basically cling film plastic. I dished out the big bucks for buddy tape and man is it 1000x easier to use and more successful.

Grafting blade; I recently learned how to sharpen knives. With my new grafts, I used a freshly sharpened knife which makes the cuts cleaner and straighter, which helps with not having gaps in your graft union.

Rubber band; I just started using a rubber band to TIGHTLY wind around the union to ensure good contact.

Sunlight exposure: I am not sure how much this affects it, but I did not cover my graft with aluminum as often (only about 1 week) and let the grafted branch be exposed to sunlight more. I feel like I saw a video where that seemed to signal to the tree to push out growth.

I have some Zutano avocado seedlings just popping up. What is the correct light I should give it? I have heard mixed opinions. Should I give full shade, partial shade or full sun? I have shade cloth which could help it out for its first couple years.

I am looking for a (older than a year) miracle berry tree ideally raised in CA. I have ordered from Florida and the shock killed the tree even after babying it.

I remember seeing a post and a video where someone from San Diego grew rootstock from seed in the ground, and then bark grafted onto them after 2 years.

I wanted to know what variety he used for his rootstock.

I am interested in buying good rootstock seeds (like 5-10) to graft Fuerte avocado to.

I live in Moorpark, in Ventura county, where there are lots of avocado farms nearby.

I have some mango saplings I planted in the yard. If I end up getting frost, do the freezing temperatures kill the trees because the roots get too cold, or because the foliage/branches get too cold or all of the above?

I am wondering because I have them heavily mulched which does 2 things to keep the roots warm:
1. Insulates the roots from the frigid night temps.
2. The microorganism activity breaking down the mulch produces heat.

I am wondering if I need to cover the foliage with something during the colder nights, or if the roots are the most important thing to keep warm.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / When to Put Mango Seedlings in Ground
« on: July 27, 2023, 03:14:19 PM »
I live in Moorpark California, 9b. We get hardly any frost, but it can drop below freezing I think. I just sprouted 20 or so mangos: Sweet Tart, Ataulfo, Coconut Cream, and Pina Colada.

My ground is heavily mulched where I want to plant them.

Should I just plant them into the ground now and hope for the best when winter comes? Maybe I can cover them with something for the coldest days.

Or should I harbor them in my warmer garage with a grow light/heat pad and plant them next spring?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Looking to Buy Sweet Tart Mangos
« on: June 24, 2023, 10:57:06 AM »
I am interested in buying sweet tart mangos. Or I can just buy seeds if that is only available.

I am in southern California, and am interested in a grafted El Bumpo Cherimoya.

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