Tropical Fruit Discussion / Minimum tree size for productive Cherilata and Geffner Atemoya
« on: February 11, 2024, 08:17:03 PM »
Before planting in Southeast Florida, I'm trying to determine how small I could keep a Cherilata and a Geffner Atemoya and still get adequate fruit production for personal use.
In 2020, achetadomestica suggested that I could keep the Geffner at 10x10 ft:
Can anyone else share their own experience regarding minimum productive tree size for Geffner and Cherilata?
Thank you
Before planting in Southeast Florida, I'm trying to determine how small I could keep a Cherilata and a Geffner Atemoya and still get adequate fruit production for personal use.
In 2020, achetadomestica suggested that I could keep the Geffner at 10x10 ft:
Can anyone else share their own experience regarding minimum productive tree size for Geffner and Cherilata?
Thank you