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Topics - Kankan

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Mango identification?
« on: October 01, 2024, 01:19:52 AM »
I know what the first and last mango is...any guesses on either of the 2 in the middle? Grown in San Diego County...TIA!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Transplanting a mature mango tree?
« on: September 17, 2024, 11:51:11 PM »
Anyone done it? Seems like it would destroy the tap root. Is it likely to survive?


Temperate Fruit Discussion / ISO rubidoux peach
« on: September 02, 2024, 10:42:32 PM »
I understand its a good tasting lower chill late harvest peach. It checks all the boxes for me in San Diego County. Anyone know where to get a scion or tree?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Anyone else fruiting Cecropia in San Diego?
« on: August 26, 2024, 10:39:04 PM »
Planted about 3 years ago. Comes out of winter a little worse than wear but bounces back each year....Looking forward to trying the fruit although I've heard mixed reviews. Anyone else fruiting Cecropia in S. CA or San Diego?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Platino Macho
« on: July 18, 2024, 08:24:09 PM »
This may just be a colloquial term or a name for any large cooking banana but if this is a specific variety banana and someone knows where to get one I am interested! TIA

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Random yangmei pics
« on: June 29, 2024, 02:21:56 PM »
Here's some yangmei at my place. I have a mix of yangmei on M Cerifera, Pennsylvanica, Californica, and Rubra rootstock. Mostly named varieties but some unknown and some from seed. I've been growing some seedlings in a tent and some outside in semi shade just to compare how they do. Last 2 pics are some of my dragon fruit. Flower is a Connie Mayer DF.

Yangmei seedlings in tent.

Grafted yangmei on rubra on N-NE hillside without shade. These havent' been in the ground long but I think they will do well with this orientation.

Yangmei seedlings germinated and growing outside in mostly shade for now.

One of Bills imports (no visible RKN). Labeled as a male but have not seen any flowers. It looked like a failed graft when it came in but it has out grown all others from this shipment by 3-4x.

Crystal yangmei on Rubra. Gets a little shade around 5pm, seems to love it where it is.

Growing corn around some of my full sun exposed yangmei, at least while theyre still young. Read about a yangmei grower in China that does this and sounds like a good idea, not sure its needed though. These plants are about 3-4 years old, 2+ in the ground.

Just some pics of what Ive been harvesting and doing around here lately. Ironically, not a lot of pics of the avocado harvest and the yangmei plants despite that being where most my time has been spent lately.

Sweet pepino

1st Bruce canistel fruit coming along nicely...but slowly

3 varieties of mushrooms Im cultivating outside in mushroom beds and straw bales.

Pakistani mulberry (after ants are blown off!)

Got this plant from a member...(Best Day, was it you?) Columbian something thornless blackberry. Its a giver!

Apricot...not sure of variety

Burgundy plum

Top worked mango-grafted over to sweet tart and keitt. Fingers crossed!

Mountain papaya, taste like sprite if you add a little sweetener!

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Keitt Mango Scions
« on: June 23, 2024, 01:21:05 PM »
I have a large tree Im top working over to Keitt. Can't seems to find scions in the typical places. Anyone have any they are willing to sell?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Sweet Tart Mango Scions
« on: June 07, 2024, 01:27:19 AM »
Looking for Sweet tart budwood. Happy to pick it up. I have a decent size mango tree I want to top work.

Thanks in Advance!
Kevin N.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / AeAe flowering
« on: May 09, 2024, 12:09:04 AM »
Hasn't fully recovered from winter yet but looks like Ill be tasting AeAe bananas!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Oak Leaf Papaya-Carica Quercifolia
« on: March 18, 2024, 10:40:15 AM »
Anyone have care instructions? Im rooting a male and female cutting. Are they more cold tolerant than say solo or Mexican papaya? What do I need to know?


-Kevin N.

Citrus General Discussion / Help identifying 2 citrus
« on: February 27, 2024, 04:29:36 PM »
Looking for help identifying these 2 citrus. The first reminds me of sumo but I have a sumo tree and there is no green on the fruit right now and the bumps are more smooth than what is in the first photo. The second photo is marked US Seedless Surprise, which is a tangelo, and it may be correctly labeled (although wanting confirmation). Also, if it is US Seedless surprise when is harvest season in San Diego CA area?

Thanks in advance for your help!

I know this kind of question exists in many places across the forum (I have even asked versions of it myself) but I have cut my large, 10+ year old mango tree down to prep it for top working later in the year to another variety (likely 1-3 varieties). Im not sure what the rootstock is but fruit were very small and fibrous. For now the main consideration I am wanting suggestions on are:

1. Looking for early ripening mango (I'm in Fallbrook, CA)
2. Large size fruit (I cant get into tiny mangoes!)

I realize those two attributes don't usually go hand in hand. So far I am leaning towards Edward (can be shy bearer), Pickering (not a vigorous grower), and Rosigold (fruit is smallish). In that order. I'm open to other considerations (i.e. doesn't need to be super early just don't want to be taking unripe mangoes off the tree in Dec-Jan because the cold will keep them from fully ripening).

The picture with the branch circled is a keitt graft that took from earlier last year. I am worried that keitt may not fully ripen here since its such a late season mango(?).

Thanks in advanced and my apoligies again to those of you who have already weighed in on similar questions from me.

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Looking for scions of the following:
« on: January 01, 2024, 12:24:37 PM »
WTB Golden Nectar and mariposa plum scions and Fairtime peach scions. Have a long list of scions I can trade. Let me know....

Im looking for ideas of what to graft on Lovell and Saint Juliane A rootstock. I have a lot of different fruits I can graft on them but looking for recommendations. So far my favorite temperate fruits (that can be grafted onto plum rootstock) that Im growing in San Diego area are: Leahcot (tastes like a giant nectarine size, juicy apricot), Sweet Treat Pluerry (one of the latest harvesting really tasty plum type fruits, like Aug, sept harvest), Pluot Flavor Grenade (another late ripening plum like to harvest when all other plums are done). What do you recommend?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Harvest this week in San Diego County....
« on: December 24, 2023, 10:55:58 AM »
Biggest mango from this tree yet. Tree was here when I bought the property so not sure what variety, any guesses? This is the latest it has ripened. Banana and Cherimoya harvested this week as well. Just sharing...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Question for San Diego County Mango growers...
« on: December 02, 2023, 12:34:24 PM »
I have a large (15' or so) mango tree. I believe its 10+ years old and suspect it is a manilla or criollo (sp) or corriente variety. It produces only small and very small mangos each year and they are average in flavor, at best. I plan on top working this tree at about 5' and bark graft in July or August.

I love keitts and was planning on grafting the tree 100% to keitt but Im concerned about the late ripening. I live in Fallbrook, CA zone 10a but I have seen issues with mangoes not quite getting ripe before the cold hits. Captain Bucklew (an early pioneer in growing mangoes in cooler areas near my home in Fallbrook) seems to have concluded Earlygold variety was best for this area as it ripens before the cold.

So heres my question: I like a larger sized mango. Earlygolds are on the smaller side. Does anyone have a good experience growing an early ripening larger mango in or around my area that they would recommend? I recall someone local stating they love venus mangoes but I dont know if the size is there and had difficulties finding scions this past summer.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Champa Nursery
« on: December 01, 2023, 12:55:56 PM »
Anyone buy from them? I paid for and ordered a Cherilata back in August (it stated that they will be shipping out at end of year at time of order) but have not been able to get a status via email or been able to get a hold of them via phone since. Im not in a hurry but just want to know if they received my order (and payment) and if its looking like this is still shipping this year....


Hello there, Curious if anyone has insights into reading and understanding this avocado leaf tissue analysis? Id like to fertilize but the result of this lab test seems conflicting-i.e. Potassium seems excessively high in one section of the report but low in another??? Any thoughts on how to use this to help determine proper N-P-K and amount to fertilize? These are 25 year old established avocado trees in San Diego County, CA.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / The secret to growing a healthy Pitomba?
« on: October 07, 2023, 05:15:43 PM »
I have one that looked great when I put it in the ground a couple years ago but the leaves have become more sparse and it just doesnt look vibrant and green. Any special requirements fo these guys? Im in San Diego county, tree gets late afternoon shade otherwise mostly full sun, sandy loam, water a few gallons per week in summer, less in winter. some osmocote and chicken manure in spring. Do they want full sun? or maybe more shade? More acidic soil? Any thoughts???

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Dwarf Namwah trees - free
« on: September 04, 2023, 01:29:42 AM »
They're in 3-5 gallon pots. 8-12' tall, need to go in the ground. You'll need to pick them up. I have about 6 available. In Fallbrook, CA. PM me for details.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Keitt mango budwood - scions -ISO
« on: August 12, 2023, 11:16:05 AM »
Looking for budwood to top work a large tree I have. Im in San Diego County, CA. Please let me know if you have or know where to find.

Thanks, Kevin N.

Ive been struggling with this question. Saw it posted on a dragon fruit facebook page but the responses were far from conclusive. Curious if theres any experienced DF growers here that have an opinion on this?

Kevin N.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Watering mango trees in California
« on: July 27, 2023, 10:49:53 PM »
I've read some posts on this but none of them address my specific circumstances. I have a bunch of mango trees planted the last 2 years that range from 1.5" diameter to 2.5 diameter trunks and 4'-8' tall. Im in Fallbrook with well draining sandy loam and trees are planted in the ground in full sun. I fear I lost a couple trees from overwatering earlier this year trying to augment the heavy rains we got this spring when really I just didn't need to water. Now I'm worried about killing more from overwatering even though its hot (90's) lately. When I take a soil core sample the soil is damp enough to almost hold together at 8"-12" deep, first 2-3" are mostly dry. My last water was about 12 days ago and I tend to water heavy and deep when I water.

So the big question is-in the summer heat of San Diego at what frequency should I water these mango trees? Would love to hear from fellow Californians that have been there, done that!

Thanks in advance!

Kevin N.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Venus Mango Budwood Scions
« on: July 09, 2023, 06:54:23 PM »
Hello mango growers! I am looking for Venus Mango budwood/scions to top work a small tree of mine. Happy to pay if you have this variety and are willing to send to me in CA.


Kevin N.

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