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Topics - Tropicaltoba

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Loquat trunk/bark problem?
« on: February 08, 2025, 10:36:40 AM »
I have 2 loquats in containers, I like to cross pollinate them in the hope is getting bigger fruit. One is full of big bushy leaves and has lots of massive fruit. The other is much more sparse for leaves and fruit are tiny. The unhealthy plant has this funny bark on the trunk. Is this some sort of disease or structural problem? What I’m wondering is should I get a new tree because this tree a lost cause?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Jaboticaba suckering?
« on: February 08, 2025, 10:29:55 AM »
My 8-10yo Jabo which has been flowering and fruiting a lot this winter in a 25 gallon container is staring to send out suckers. The tree is from pine island nursery and I don’t think is grafted. Can you anything with these, air layer or root as cuttings? Sorry the pic is sideways.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Black Surinam cherry self pollinating?
« on: January 21, 2025, 12:11:12 PM »
My black Surinam cherry is about to flower for the first time (5’ tall). I have no pollinators in my greenhouse will I have to hand pollinate it? If so any tricks?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / -50F to tonight
« on: January 19, 2025, 01:39:27 PM »
Gonna be a little chilly on the prairies tonight, -50F projected with the windchill.

Citrus General Discussion / Sugarbelle fruit review?
« on: December 15, 2024, 05:06:28 PM »
So I’ve been doing a poor job growing citrus in containers in the past, and I think after a lot of reading on this forum I’m starting to get things figured out. My sugarbelle (5ft tall) is flowering for the first time. Is the fruit any good?

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Looking for feijoa scions in canada
« on: December 01, 2024, 11:03:27 AM »
Checking to see if any canuks sell scions?

Hello all, last year forum members help me out a bunch by identifying copper deficiency in some of my containerized citrus. It appears to be a seasonal issue probably related to cool container temps with a high organic content. Copper sulfate should fix the problem, but it is typically applied as a fungicide spray. Issue is I don’t want to stain the walls/floor of my gh, so I need to add it to the soil. Does anyone know how much to add to container plants?

I have a 10yo Myrciaria cauliflora which is about to flower for the second time. The first time it flowered a little bit and I only got one grape. At the time my greenhouse was full of insects (both good and bad) as I was in my hippie phase of gardening and my trying to create a “sustainable ecosystem”.

It is now about to flower quite profusely, but I have basically eliminated all insects in my greenhouse (organic contact pesticides) during the winter there is only air movement from a central ceiling fan. Does anyone know if it will set fruit in a pollinator free state? Has anyone ever hand pollinated Jabos, if so let me know if there are superior techniques. Right now figs, banana, pineapple, white sapote, citrus and yellow dragon fruit (and maybe Barbados cherry) appear to be the only things that self pollinate. Loquats, feijoias, passionfruit, mango, starfruit all require a helping hand.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Rotten pineapple causes?
« on: October 31, 2024, 08:29:10 AM »
I had incorrectly posted this on the temperate forum. I had a 6 month old pineapple fruit that I recently found rotten on the bush. Has anyone lost fruit to mealies in a greenhouse? I do have some mealybugs in my greenhouse but I have never seen them on my pineapple plant. My concern is that if it is mealies I think it will be impossible to control with oil/soap so I should probably just give up on pineapples.

Looking for advice from pineapple growers. I had a 8 month old fruit in a greenhouse plant. I have never had a problem with pests on this plant (had it for 3 years). When I took a close look today the fruit (which was 1/2 normal size) was completely rotten. I noticed a couple of white spots on the outside where the rot was but didn’t see any mealy bugs. Have people had an issue with mealy destroying fruit?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Flowering grafted rambutan questions?
« on: April 24, 2024, 09:51:21 PM »
Can anyone tell me if this is a hermaphrodic flower? It was grafted from a hermaphodidic tree. Does anyone have any experience with hand pollination?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Jackfruit/cheena flowering questions
« on: April 24, 2024, 09:48:00 PM »
My “cheena” is flowering and it looks like there are me and female flowers next to each other. Any tricks? It’s 5 feet tall, in 15 gallon pot and is 5ft tall. In gh no pollinators except me.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Are these Eugenia species any good?
« on: April 05, 2024, 06:37:22 PM »
Hey all, I’m looking for advice on whether these are good Eugenias to get, we don’t have lots of options up north. Are brasiliensis or uniflora worth growing? I have limited space and have never been able to sample one of these fruits.

Citrus General Discussion / Using lousy tangelo as rootstock
« on: April 01, 2024, 01:36:25 PM »
Hey all,
I’ve had a (now 5ft) minneola tangelo in container for 7 years now and it’s been a complete disappointment. It’s only produced fruit a couple of times and they were the wrong shape and terrible. It has also has a little bit of die back periodically. I’ve repotted, and completely root pruned in the past and the leaves looks otherwise healthy.

My question is with the die back should I use this as a rootstock or just get rid of it?

Hey all, especially cold climate/commercial  gh growers out there.

I’m looking at setting up an irrigation system for my second storey attached gh. It’s small and has a floor drain and all my plants are in pots. My container “systems” are designed to handle each specific plant needs and in winter months need to nwb watered about every 2 weeks, water hogs have shorter pots and heavier mixes with deep saucers, water haters have free draining soil in tall cermatic pots and sit on top of other pots.

I am curious what people do on holidays who grow exclusively in greenhouses? I used to all all my plants outside in the summer but carrying 35 gallln pots down a flight of stairs inside my house is starting to get a bit much as I get closer to 50. Because the gh sits over my kitchen I need a system that is reliable in terms of catastrophic failure (kitchen sits under and if that gets wrecked my wife will divorce me and take my money I need for plants)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Passionfruit pruning for max productivity?
« on: March 28, 2024, 10:40:58 AM »
Hey everyone looking for advice. My wife daughter love passionfruit, and it the growing of such that results in them supporting my crazy obsession. So I’m looking for the way to get the most yeild. Due to my growing circumstances I’m willing to put more time in micromanaging the vine. FYI I have 2 vines each in a 35 gallon which I trained on a beam.its adjustable so I can can get right in there and hand pollinate and purine when needed.i kept it trimmed in the winter and then let it go on the spring. I fertigate weekly.

Question should I terminate the budding limbs to promote better fruit production? Some vine ends have between 5 and 11 flower buds and there are 14 of these limbs on each vine. In the past by letting it grow wild and hand pollinating with a brush on a stick (probably missed a bunch of flowers) I was able to get 50 fruits. 200 per plant seems to much. Any experience with acitvelt managing a vine. I’m wondering if it’s like grapes in a vineyard.

Here are pics with the aluminum beams in the down position, the up, down from
The indside, and the vine limbs that one has 2 flowers and 11 buds.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Salacia Chinensis Lollyberry?
« on: March 16, 2024, 11:13:36 PM »
What is this fruit? I had a pie made of this on a trip in Moro bay in California. Does anybody grow this? How is it?

Hey I’m a cold climate prairie boy from Canada who is used to seeing tropical fruit trees in greenhouses. I’m currently travelling with my family in an rv from LA to the redwoods. Any cool fruit tree places to check out?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Need help can’t tell which side is graft
« on: February 06, 2024, 02:32:26 PM »
I have a grafted kohala Longan that I let get out of hand. Do you think that the left side is the grafted one?

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Germinating hawthorn seeds
« on: January 26, 2024, 04:28:13 PM »
Has anybody germinated hawthorn seeds specifically succulenta and Douglassi? Acid scarification is mentioned, I was looking at using a refill of battery acid as the h2so4 source but I wasn’t sure about what molarity to use. Any experience doing this?

Citrus General Discussion / Gummosis on citrus
« on: December 26, 2023, 11:49:53 AM »
It looks like I may have gummosis spontaneously discharging from my eureka lemon. Causes thoughts?

Hey all, fyi for all those container people. I hard purchased these xtra large adjustable plant caddies off Amazon 3 y ago. Seemed strong but must have weakened over time possibly due to sun. The big issue was that with the large wheels it sits quite high off the ground and when one of the sides collapsed the momentum of the 35gallon pot would have caused the whole thing to flip right over if it didn’t happen before my eyes.

Hey everyone, I have yellow dragon fruit doing well in a container but it’s hard to “pot up” due to the fact that I have a support post bolted to the plastic pot. Do you think I can add a heavy top dress to the pot instead of potting up? I wasn’t sure if root rot is an issue with all the adventitious roots they put out. Does anyone have experience with this?

Hey all, so I’ve been fertigating (water and dilute fertillizer) my containerized plants with home made organic liquid fertillizer from a worm farm and bokashi composter. It’s working well and everything is super healthy. I’ve been trying to track down a hose end sprayer that had a dilution factor of 10. Does anyone have any suggestions.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Soursop fruiting in container?
« on: November 07, 2023, 03:50:45 PM »
Has anyone gotten soursop to yield fruit in a container? If so what size of plant/pot was required.

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