Hey everyone looking for advice. My wife daughter love passionfruit, and it the growing of such that results in them supporting my crazy obsession. So I’m looking for the way to get the most yeild. Due to my growing circumstances I’m willing to put more time in micromanaging the vine. FYI I have 2 vines each in a 35 gallon which I trained on a beam.its adjustable so I can can get right in there and hand pollinate and purine when needed.i kept it trimmed in the winter and then let it go on the spring. I fertigate weekly.
Question should I terminate the budding limbs to promote better fruit production? Some vine ends have between 5 and 11 flower buds and there are 14 of these limbs on each vine. In the past by letting it grow wild and hand pollinating with a brush on a stick (probably missed a bunch of flowers) I was able to get 50 fruits. 200 per plant seems to much. Any experience with acitvelt managing a vine. I’m wondering if it’s like grapes in a vineyard.
Here are pics with the aluminum beams in the down position, the up, down from
The indside, and the vine limbs that one has 2 flowers and 11 buds.