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Topics - FruitForLife

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Citrus General Discussion / Crisp honey kumquat
« on: October 14, 2024, 11:43:09 AM »
So I came across a local that has supposedly the crisp honey kumquat or honey crisp kumquat tree, it’s one of the best if not the best kumquat variety, she said that it flowers multiple times a year (up to 5), and that the fruit has one or zero seeds and the taste is pure sweet, I had a chance to look at the mother tree, and did some research online, this one seems legitimate. 

I got a small branch and grafted onto my lemon seedling rootstocks, I’m praying that at least one will make it!!!

Mother tree:

The fruits:

I have  the following:

10-15 white sapote seeds (mcdill, vigorous and super productive)
2 yellow sapote seeds (casimiroa tetrameria, wooly leaf, naturally dwarf, great for rootstock, keeping many for myself, very valuable)
3 or so grumichama seeds (big fruit, very good taste, is already sprouting)
3 or so wampee seeds

I'm looking to trade for the following named variety scions, which includes white sapote, mango, loquat, citrus/kumquat, rooted mulberry cuttings.  Let me know whatever you have to offer, or I can just sell it if no one has what I'm looking for.

PM me please.


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