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Topics - Nicola!@#

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Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles / chaya/cnidoscolus aconitifolius
« on: January 07, 2025, 08:31:11 PM »
Chaya or cnidoscolus aconitifolius/chayamansa (two species) contain cyanogenic glycosides and therefore must usually be cooked. However, there are plenty of recipes for drinks made with raw leaves. Some sources say that around 5 leaves a day raw should be fine (I still wonder whether is has an accumulative effect) or is it the acidic fruits they put in the drink? Most recipes ask for orange juice, pineapple lemon alone or in combination. Often traditional recipes eliminate certain toxins. Recipe (or one of them) Chaya or cnidoscolus aconitifolius/chayamansa (two species) contain cyanogenic glycosides and therefore must usually be cooked. However, there are plenty of recipes for drinks made with raw leaves. Some sources say that around 5 leaves a day raw should be fine (I still wonder whether is has an accumulative effect) or is it the acidic fruits they put in the drink? Most recipes ask for orange juice, pineapple lemon alone or in combination. Often traditional recipes eliminate certain toxins.

Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles / cordyline - edible- best variety?
« on: November 16, 2024, 11:01:28 PM »
Cordylines are edible at least the c. fruticosa, indivisa australis and others are medicinal. Has anyone tried cooking it? Is it worth growing cordylines for food? Also, the green cabbage trees look pretty ordinary are the pretty cultivars worth eating? I searched google up and down and could not find good information!

I have a bitter leaf tree growing but I haven't got suitable recipes. The only recipes I find are African recipes of some irresistible soups or dishes with all the ingredients I can't find. crab powder? Some special spices? Stcokfish we don't have that!! I need a recipe I can make with locally obtainable ingredients even if it's a bit less yummy. Yes we have a butcher and we can buy fish cheap but nothing fancy like stockfish (I love stockfish!). I can buy prawns.
My tree grows nicely and is quite adaptable.

I tried to recover my account or sign in but it was not working correctly. I never got the emails when I wanted to recover my account and when I tried to set up a new account the names were already taken which is highly unlikely. Then suddenly I was logged in. Highly mysterious! Sometimes simple machines are not that simple at all...(or what IS simple these days??)

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