Sorry guys not able to sell or trade at least for now. current packages not able to deliver will be refunded.
You can view some pictures of rare stuff on this thread -->
THE SPECIES<----You can suggest stuff, setting the rarity of the species for now.
Averrhoa Carambola=Carambola Rarity 1
Averrhoa Bilimbi=BilimbiRarity 2
Annona Muricata=Guanabana/SoursopThis soursop fruit is from the supermarket,quite small. That may not be a bad thing for people trying to control their sugar and maybe grow it in a container.
origin:supermarket fruit
Rarity 1
Annona Reticulata=Mamón/Custard appleRarity 1
Annona Glabra=Bagá/Pond AppleRarity 2
Annona Urbaniana=Mamón de perro(translation a custard apple for dogs xD)/Urban Annona It's an extremely rare annona Endemic to the Dominican Republic. It was or maybe is under threat of extinction but now it's doing better as the botanists have reproduced a lot of seeds. The vulgar name is mamón de perro meaning a dog's custard apple, that may be a good or a bad thing regarding flavor. Only a few people have tasted or seen the fruit.
origin:seed bank
Rarity 3
Available:? Sold out but can get more if enough demand.
Annona Montana=Mountain SoursopRarity 2
Bixa Orellana=Bija/BixaRarity 1
Chrysophyllum Cainito=CaimitoRarity 1
Chrysophyllum Oliviforme=Caimito de perro(translation a caimito for dogs)/Satin leafRarity 2
Chrysobalanus Icaco var icaco=IcacoRarity 1
Coccoloba Uvifera=Uva de playa/Sea grapeRarity 1
Cordia Sebestena=Geiger TreeRarity 1
Crescentia Cujete=Higuero/Calabash TreeRarity 1
Eugenia Monticola=ArrayánRarity 2
Eugenia Uniflora=PitangaRarity 1
Available:soon, it's flowering.
Eugenia Domingensis=GuázaraRarity 3
Eugenia ? Ligustrina=Escobón Liso/Privet StopperRarity 2
Available:soon, it's flowering.
Eugenia Axillaris=White StopperRarity 1
My plant germinated from a seed from FL because the ebay ones almost never germinate
Eugenia Foetida=Spanish StopperRarity 1
Eugenia Procera=Bastard BlackberryRarity 3
Rollinia Mucosa(wild seedy type)
=CandongoRarity 1
Genipa Americana=Jagua/GenipRarity 1
offer: extra seed every 2 seeds
Pouteria Sapota=Zapote/Mamey SapoteRarity 1
Notes:Large Seed(2x the price). 10 seeds per pack MAX.
Pouteria Domingensis=TotumaRarity 3
Available:No, may take years for my plant to fruit.
A species under critical danger of extinction. This is quite short compared to most pouterias. The fruit is said to be good i've never seen it.
Pouteria Dictyoneura=Cuero de Cerdo(translation pig skin)
Rarity 3
this is Pouteria Dictyoneura-Cuero de cerdo known as cocuyo in puerto rico. It's another extremely rare species..
in DR it's used for wood and in PR it was used by shamans and native witch doctors for medicinal purposes. I do not know if this is edible or if there's any meat to eat but it is a medicinal and collectors plant.
Pithecellobium Dulce=Jina Extranjera/GuachumilRarity 1
Manilkara Zapota=Níspero/SapodillaRarity 1
Guazuma Spp=Guácima/ West Indian elmRarity 1
Morinda Citrifolia=NoniRarity 1
Mammea Americana=MameyRarity 2
Price $4 per Seed
Available:maybe/soon. some trees are fruiting
Notes:Large Seed(2x price)
Diospyros digyna=Zapote Negro/Black SapoteRarity 2
Bucida Buceras=Gri GriRarity 2
This plant has medicinal uses but it's not a fruit tree. The fruit is toxic so never eat this.
Bursera Simaruba=Almácigo Rarity 2 Available:? This plant has medicinal uses but it's not a fruit tree. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Theobroma Cacao=Chocolate Rarity 1 Available:Yes Notes:Large Pods. Price still to be set. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wallenia Laurifolia=Caimoní Nativo Rarity 3 Available:Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neem Rarity 1 Available:? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vegetable seeds Available:?
more to come soon
Let me know if you have ideas ty.