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Messages - dm

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Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Venmo, zelle Paypal?
« on: January 28, 2025, 01:03:40 PM »
What kind of messed app would allow people to send money to people without an account?  That's scummy.  So the sender's money is held hostage?  Maybe it's by design, forcing you to sign up for an account you don't want, hoping you will keep using it.  The are owned by PayPal, which have also done scummy things.  I don't like PayPal, but they are a necessary evil.  They also own Honey, which are being sued for stealing commissions:

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Rat proofing fruit trees
« on: January 21, 2025, 03:13:41 PM »
I've read about corn gluten based rat poison (like Rat X) that is safer for predators.
I've never had to use, so don't know if it works.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: My squirrel solution??
« on: January 06, 2025, 02:23:29 PM »
I'm focusing on the squirrels after getting the iguanas under control.  I've caught 3 in three days, using peanuts and hazelnuts as bait.  Since my mango trees should have their first crop this summer, I want to get their numbers down substantially before summer.  50% of the mangos on my neighbor's large tree get ruined by them.


There's a cold snap coming to Florida.  So, won't a lot of the iguanas fall out of the trees in torpor diring that time?

Paul M.
It would have to be in the 30's for that to happen, and I think those days (nights) are gone forever.  We'll have nights in the 40's next week in northeastern coastal Broward where I live.  Nevertheless, I'll stay alert for falling iguanas with a machete in hand!


Did you get your iguanas under control using DIY methods?  If so, care to share what worked for you?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Fruit and Spice Park in November
« on: October 22, 2024, 12:33:43 AM »
That monthly "in season" list is a generic list of fruits that MIGHT be in season in the selected month, but I went this past week and saw very few of the fruits on the October list.  Maybe you should call them in November before you go.
What did you see when you were there? Thinking about going once it cools down.

I did not have time to explore every corner of the entire park, so I may have missed some, but I did not see much on the ground, and nothing that was close to ripeness and edible.  This is a slower season for fruiting.

I did see these on the trees, but not ripe yet:
Blue Grape (vexator)
(I think I saw few a Mamey.)

Strawberry Tree fell over (from wind?) but still had some fruit close to ripe.

They were cutting a red jackfruit for samples, but I did not see any on the trees (did not go by any jackfruit).

I definitely did not see any of these, that are listed for October:
Hog Plum
Rollinia (don't think I saw any Annona)

There were lots of Candle fruit! (LOL)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Fruit and Spice Park in November
« on: October 21, 2024, 12:39:55 AM »
That monthly "in season" list is a generic list of fruits that MIGHT be in season in the selected month, but I went this past week and saw very few of the fruits on the October list.  Maybe you should call them in November before you go.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Foliar Feeding: Spraying vs Fogging
« on: October 14, 2024, 11:19:32 AM »
If anybody with a more limited budget wants to try a fogger/mister or electrostatic sprayer on the cheap, some Ryobi models are on Woot for the next 6 days.
Never used them, so I can't vouch for their effectiveness.

cordless 1/2 gallon fogger/mister (with battery and charger) $34.99:

cordless 1/2 gallon electrostatic sprayer (tool only) $16.99:

cordless 1 gallon electrostatic sprayer (tool only) $24.99:

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bamboo
« on: October 10, 2024, 12:35:14 PM »
Bamboo is one of the many plants I grow. Wondering who else is growing bamboo for protection of their fruit trees, and other uses.

Here is a chocolate variety that does well in our garden:

Also, very sad to realize Bamboo Rich aka Bamboo Man has passed. A super cool person who loved plants and especially all kinds of bamboo. My bamboo is from Rich, RIP:

The pics of your "chocolate variety" show a beautiful, deep black, but when I Google "chocolate bamboo" I get "borinda fungosa".
All the pics of "borinda fungosa" I get show reddish, medium, or dark brown.

Are the black bamboo in your pic "borinda fungosa"?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Platino Macho
« on: July 19, 2024, 07:57:58 AM »
I think you mean platAno macho.
I don't think is a specific variety.
It's just what many call (in Spanish) a plantain used for cooking, as opposed to a banana for eating raw.

Received medium box, well packed, no damage.
All green, but have been eating them as they ripen, very tasty.
Got 6 varieties in the medium box.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: White Sapote Fruit Shapes
« on: June 17, 2024, 11:33:06 AM »
I've only ever had the Bonita Springs and Redlands from the trees at the Fruit and Spice Park, and another local nursery, and frankly, I can't tell the difference.  Sweet with lemony overtones.  Does anyone get other flavors from these varieties?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Fruit and spice white sapote
« on: June 15, 2024, 05:12:27 PM »
There are white sapote trees in several parts of the park, and most are labeled.
(Bonita Springs, Vernon, Smather, etc.)

You may have eaten from the unlabeled Redlands tree (gives baseball sized fruit):
There is a row of about 3-4 different trees along an asphalt path.
If you are standing on the path looking at the trees, the Redlands is the right-most tree in the row.
I think the next tree to the left of the Redlands is a Bael fruit, and the left-most tree in that row is labeled SES White Sapote, which gives small fruit.

he is very arrogant and thinks that he is the only one who has loquats. I was able to secure some cuttings from other sellers here who are humble and down to earth. Don't waste your time on him LOL.

Kas has been straight up and polite in our communications.  When I've ordered scions, he has sent more than ordered, and he has even given out free scions.  He has always a been a gentleman, and others here have had similar experiences.  Some self-examination may be in order.

. . .but that's mother theresa level to package it up and take it to usps and pay to share it with you.
  ;D ;D ;D

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Achacha issue: pale new growth
« on: March 21, 2024, 11:18:45 AM »
My achachairu is planted in full sun and gets a good amount of wind, so if my gnarly leaves are caused by that then I'll just deal with it.  Have not had aphids in a long time, but I'll check again.

Thanks for your responses

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Achacha issue: pale new growth
« on: March 20, 2024, 01:18:22 PM »
My leaves are always a twisted, gnarly mess, not like the clean, green, straight leaves I've seen others have.
Any ideas?


What is my bar for adequate fruit production?  Good question.
I suppose I would initially be happy with 5-10 fruit, but I will probably want more later on.

I'm glad to hear your experiences about a 5ft tree in a pot giving 4, and a 4x5 in ground giving much more.
That gives me lots of leeway in deciding.

I thank you both for this information!


Before planting in Southeast Florida, I'm trying to determine how small I could keep a Cherilata and a Geffner Atemoya and still get adequate fruit production for personal use.

In 2020, achetadomestica suggested that I could keep the Geffner at 10x10 ft:

Can anyone else share their own experience regarding minimum productive tree size for Geffner and Cherilata?

Thank you

Just make a big U around FL.
I'll generally hit Orlando for jabos, head down to WPB and get more trees, mangos, and see friends, then go down to Homestead and hit more fruits, nurseries, F and S park, cut across the Everglades, Naples for more trees (can hit Pine Island also) then Tampa for food!
By the time I'm done it's a success.
There's Grimal Grove down in the Keys.

Where in Orlando do you get Jabos?

DM and Hipasfolk,
Spray with a micronutrient mix.  Be sure it contains at least 0.25% Zinc.
If that mix doesn't contain Copper, spray a Copper fungicide.  Follow label requirements.

Thank you much!


Anyone know what is happening with my Pram Kai Mea (PKM) and Coconut Cream (CC)?
PKM has had blackened leaves for a while, but it did not seem to bother it, but now new growth is dying on it and also the CC.
I have not been fertilizing for over a year, so it is nothing I'm actively doing to it.  Other varieties close by do not have this problem.

Also, the CC has a split trunk.  Is it doomed or can it recover and heal strong as it grows?
I don't think the split has anything to do with the new growth dying since it is also happening to the PKM.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: How many people eat mango skin?
« on: August 09, 2023, 03:23:00 PM »
Some varieties have bitter skin, but for others, I used to eat all the skin if it was clean.
I would cut the mango into chunks so that each piece with skin had a large amount of flesh, so you are not eating just skin.
I liked the extra crunch.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Question on Miracle Fruit Tree
« on: July 25, 2023, 05:39:51 PM »
My plant is very healthy looking, very busy, but only about 15" tall in a 3 gallon pot. At least it came with one ripe fruit on the tree so I get to taste my first fruit.

I will get my sour things in an row and try them all after eating the one berry, I hear the miracle taste only last about 30 minutes after eating the fruit.

Too bad I don't have any ripe macrophylla fruits now, only lemons and limes. Any other suggestions for fruits to try with this?

Try EVERYTHING you have, not just fruits.
Works on acids in food/drinks, the more acid, the greater the affect.
But plenty of food/drinks that you would not consider to be sour will have acids, and the flavor will change, for better or for worse.

Examples: goat cheese, beer, etc.


I'm hoping someone can help me confirm where the graft is on this Neelam tree.

These two pics show several sprouts coming out below the midpoint, below where I think the graft is.

These three pics show where I think the graft is (mid-tree, above the sprouts).

These two pics near the bottom show an angle in the trunk where I fantasize that the graft is.  ;D


Freeze this thread!!!!!

Not until we all read this National Science Foundation funded paper that is of utmost importance to all of us!

@puglvr1: Have you seen ants on your persimmon trees? If you do, check to see if your tree has scale - they looked brownish on my tree and I found them accidentally by running my fingers on the branches.These pests must have sucked the life out of my tree.

Use something like TangleFoot and reapply when it gets dry or dirty.  Especially on small trees. Keeps the ants off.

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