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Messages - Nwflarenegade

Pages: [1] 2
Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Passiflora mollissima plants
« on: October 12, 2024, 03:05:03 PM »
Does anyone have banana passion fruit plants for sale? I’ve tried growing them from seed but no luck. If anyone has these for sale or knows where I can get one please let me know. Thanks!

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Thaumatococcus daneilii
« on: August 10, 2024, 09:31:35 PM »
I’m looking to buy or trade for Thaumatococcus daneilii plants if anyone knows where I can find one, please hit me up, Thomas.

If anyone knows where I can buy or trade for Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii plants, please let me know, Thomas.

Depending on the total price, including shipping, I would definitely be interested.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Macropiper excelsum
« on: August 01, 2024, 10:26:33 PM »
Please hit me up if anyone has this plant for sale or trade or know where I can get one. Thanks!

Ok, I’ve seen some of your Facebook marketplace post. I’ve thought about moving to Wewahichka or somewhere in the area. It reminds me of the Florida that I knew as a kid.

Does anyone know where I can get Okinawa snack pineapple plants or fruit? Please let me know. Thanks, Thomas.

Oops, I meant Ceilo. BTW D Grower, some of the plants that you listed above I’ve been looking for for a long time. Is there any way that you can still get your hands on some of them. I would love to purchase or trade for them. Please let me know, Thomas.

I think it is cebil but I’m not sure. Where in the panhandle are you. I’m in Pensacola. Thomas.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Cordia myxa plant
« on: July 23, 2024, 01:20:29 AM »
I’m looking for Cordia myxa plants. If you know where I can get one, please let me know, Thomas.

Hi, I have plants if you’re interested. Hit me up, Thomas.

Hi y’all, I’m looking for Livingston potato plants or tubers. I already have Plectranthus rotunda, African potato mint, now I’m hunting Plectranthus esculenta. Sow Exotic sells what it says is P. esculenta, but it is actually P. Rotunda. If anyone knows where to get these, please let me know. Thanks, Thomas.

Check out my shop on Etsy, offgridplantz. Thomas.

I’m interested. What is the price for iboga pods

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Citropsis articulate
« on: June 01, 2024, 12:29:33 AM »
I’m interested in Citropsis plants, cuttings or seeds. If any has any for sale or trade, please hit me up! Thanks

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: White sapote varieties
« on: September 08, 2022, 07:38:34 PM »
WOW!!!! Thanks for all the great info y’all!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: White sapote varieties
« on: September 08, 2022, 09:20:18 AM »
Thanks for the info Janet.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Please Help with my Ice Cream Bean Plant!!!
« on: September 07, 2022, 10:33:25 PM »
Buy some osmocote at lowes. It’s a time released balanced fertilizer that will feed for about 6 months. Every time you water, it gets a little food. It will take about a month to start seeing results. Just sprinkle about a tablespoon on the surface of the soil every 6 months. Great stuff.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / White sapote varieties
« on: September 07, 2022, 10:25:13 PM »
Is anyone familiar with the named varieties of white sapote and can explain their attributes? They’re one of my favorite fruits but I’d like to know the differences between them before I buy one. Ideally I’d like a variety with no bitterness, doesn’t mind the heat and humidity of Florida and produces large fruit. Thanks in advance y’all.

Looking to buy Casimiroa pringlei and/or C. greggii plants, cuttings or seeds. Please let me know anyone can help me with this request. Thanks.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Looking for Psidium Longipetiolatum
« on: September 07, 2022, 03:42:40 PM »
PM sent.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Looking for Psidium Longipetiolatum
« on: September 07, 2022, 02:10:24 PM »
I’m looking for Psidium longipetiolatum seeds, cutting or plants. If you have any for sale or know where I can get some, please let me know. Thanks.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Psidium longipetiolatum 15 Gallon
« on: September 07, 2022, 11:13:36 AM »
Do you have any Psidium Longipetiolatum fruit or seeds available? If you do please contact me. Thanks, Thomas.

I hope this thread is still active. I would like to have 3. 1 male and 2 females. Thanks, Thomas.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Casimiroa pringlei
« on: September 07, 2022, 10:33:21 AM »
Does anyone know of a mail order source for Casimiroa pringlei? I too would like to use it as a rootstock for Casimiroa edulis or to hybridize with to try to come up with a white sapote with more cold tolerance. Please let me know if anyone knows where I can get this or can hoo me up. Either way, thanks.

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