Ooh, thank you for starting this thread! You've introduced me to two more species I'd never heard of that are sweet without sugar. I find that highly intriguing, especially since it implies there may be more.
That brings the total number of plants I know of that can do that to seven:
Asterales order, Asteraceae family:
Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana)
Brassicales order, Pentadiplandraceae family:
Oubli fruit (Pentadiplandra brazzeana)
Cucurbitales order, Cucurbitaceae family:
Monkfruit (Siraitia grosvenorii)
Ranunculales order, Menispermaceae family:
Serendipity berry (Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii / Dioscoreophyllum volkensii / Dioscoreophyllum gossweileri)
Rosacales order, Rosaceae family:
Sweetleaf raspberry (Rubus chingii var. suavissimus)
Ericales order, Sapotaceae family:
Miracle fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum)
Zingiberales order, Marantaceae family:
Katempfe (Thaumatococcus daniellii)
Does anyone know of more?
Capparis masaikai and Curculigo latifolia would make nice additions to the list.
There's a commercial brand of chocolate called Oobli using this for sweetening that might be worth trying 😋
On-topic, there's another thread with some info here:
https://tropicalfruitforum.com/index.php?topic=14777.0I think Joe Hewitt just posted a picture of some that he's growing, so he might know of a source for seeds. It also might be worth asking Forest House Cameroon or Ferdy Manga if they have access. Good luck!