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Messages - onur

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Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: WANTED Orange Flesh Guava seedling
« on: January 10, 2025, 09:08:54 PM »
I did see that Bellamy Trees was selling the seedlings of Gushiken Sweet. I bought a few in case my ebay version doesn't turn out to be the correct variety I was hoping for. Small seedling was only $10 each plus shipping.

Thank you for letting me know. I already got one.

Thank you 1rainman and Tropheus76. Would raspberries grow inland SC or is it still too hot?

Black raspberries should be fine.

You can probably coax red raspberries if you are more towards Charlotte, or if you give them enough shade. Raspberries don't mind shade. They tend to not like drying out, though.

Thank you Bussone.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Wanted GIANT GOOSEBERRY plant
« on: November 27, 2024, 11:32:10 PM »
Technically perennials.... In my area I treat them as annuals... I start them in late Winter like tomatoes and peppers.

Thanks Kevin. Do you start them with seeds or cuttings? Do you have the cultivar with big fruits?

Want to buy PASSIFLORA DECAISNEANA cuttings or a potted vine.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Wanted GIANT GOOSEBERRY plant
« on: November 25, 2024, 04:10:08 PM »
Thank you Shmojojojo and Pau for the answers.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Wanted GIANT GOOSEBERRY plant
« on: November 24, 2024, 08:42:08 PM »
Gooseberry is an annual outside of it's native tropical environment. Most people's plants are dying off right now unless they're protected. It's like a tomato in that you can go seed to fruit in about 5-6 months, so you're probably better off buying seeds. I grew some Pineapple Gooseberry a few years back that were really tasty. Aunt Molly's is supposed to be a good tasting variety
I had grown them years ago in hot Mediterranean climate. But they had just disappeared after a while although it was not that cold in winter. Do they also die in California during winters? Do they act like perennial plants if kept warm in winter ? Thanks.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Wanted GIANT GOOSEBERRY plant
« on: November 23, 2024, 06:23:09 PM »
Looking to buy a large-fruiting gooseberry variety-Physalis peruviana (Golden Berry) plant.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Wanted PASSIFLORA DECAISNEANA vine
« on: November 22, 2024, 11:12:06 PM »
Looking to buy a passiflora decaisneana vine.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Maracuja Doce Aka Passiflora Alata
« on: November 22, 2024, 09:47:07 PM »
No, if you plant the same clone then you will not get any more fruit than you have now. I suggest planting closely related species or hybrids such as P. quadrangularis, P.phoenicea, P. x decaisnea, p. “Purple Tiger”, or P.caerulea which is a good universal passiflora pollinator. If you want another alata, you must find a different clone of it (not a propagation of the same origin as yours).

Which one has the best tasting fruit?

Thank you 1rainman and Tropheus76. Would raspberries grow inland SC or is it still too hot?

Thank you all for the answers !

Guava will not grow in South Carolina without protection. Even hardy citrus needs protection there. If I lived in SC I would be growing fire blight resistant pears, select Chickisaw plums, Muscadines, Rabbit Eye blueberries, Peaches, Chinese Jujube, Pecans, Paw Paw, Blackberries, Che, and maybe a satsuma (but it would definitely need protection).
Wow not even citrus! Probably, figs, mulberries, almonds and pomegranates would grow there.

Persimmons and mulberries should work well, too. Figs, Pomegranites, and particularly Almonds might have disease issues but with a little extra care they could probably be grown.
Is Che a tasty fruit? Is it worth growing?

Got to try my first che fruit this year. They’re nothing crazy kinda taste like watermelon
Do you have any tropicals like guavas and mangos? If so, do guavas ripen properly?

yes, plenty of tropicals. I have fruited Malaysian red guavas, strawberry guava, atemoya, cherimoya, peanut butter fruit, white sapote, dragonfruit, various citrus and Eugenias
Cool ! May I ask under what growing conditions do you keep your trees? Trees pots in a heated greenhouse? Do you move them outside completely in summer? I keep mine inside the house during winter and move them all out in Summer. I also have a Malaysian red guava with some fruits on, which is still outside. But the walnut-size fruits don't seem to be growing any further...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: My Yard 2022
« on: November 03, 2024, 08:26:30 PM »
Good luck with your new place Kevin ! Hope everything works out for you !

Its not South Carolina, but there was a guy at the very southern tip of Lousianna who was (is?) a member on here. I can't recall his name at the moment and its been a while since I have seen him post, but if I remember right he was growing some surprising things outside (with some protection I think). Totally blew my mind. I had figured it would be like Pensacola in north Florida (we got snow when I lived up there), but he had some special microclimate where he was at.

Interesting! Trial and Error is a big deal, right?!

Guava will not grow in South Carolina without protection. Even hardy citrus needs protection there. If I lived in SC I would be growing fire blight resistant pears, select Chickisaw plums, Muscadines, Rabbit Eye blueberries, Peaches, Chinese Jujube, Pecans, Paw Paw, Blackberries, Che, and maybe a satsuma (but it would definitely need protection).
Wow not even citrus! Probably, figs, mulberries, almonds and pomegranates would grow there.

Persimmons and mulberries should work well, too. Figs, Pomegranites, and particularly Almonds might have disease issues but with a little extra care they could probably be grown.
Is Che a tasty fruit? Is it worth growing?

Got to try my first che fruit this year. They’re nothing crazy kinda taste like watermelon
Do you have any tropicals like guavas and mangos? If so, do guavas ripen properly?

I live just north of Orlando and am in a bit of a micro climate so I think I've got slightly better luck with a lot of my tropicals like Mango and Jackfruit. We can usually string together enough years to get trees big enough that the short freezing periods won't kill them, or cold weather can be managed with large mulch mounds.     I don't think there is a perfect rule for it, but I think that once you get north of Sanford FL you really shouldn't expect consistent results with tropicals without significant protection. I know there are people in Ocala and further north doing it, but I think the protection effort is significant.

 I think once you hit SC you are well outside of tropicals territory. You might be able to grow some subtropicals like jaboticaba which can deal with lower temps, but I'd probably focus on different plants if I was living up there or get a large greenhouse to grow in.

As you said, tropicals and subtropicals such as guavas and mangos would still fruit. And, since SC summers are hot and long enough, the fruits would develop and ripen properly if protected and maintained well indoor during the cold season.

Guava will not grow in South Carolina without protection. Even hardy citrus needs protection there. If I lived in SC I would be growing fire blight resistant pears, select Chickisaw plums, Muscadines, Rabbit Eye blueberries, Peaches, Chinese Jujube, Pecans, Paw Paw, Blackberries, Che, and maybe a satsuma (but it would definitely need protection).
Wow not even citrus! Probably, figs, mulberries, almonds and pomegranates would grow there.

Persimmons and mulberries should work well, too. Figs, Pomegranites, and particularly Almonds might have disease issues but with a little extra care they could probably be grown.
Is Che a tasty fruit? Is it worth growing?

Hi All

I want to have some insight on South Carolina's climate compared to Florida's. Do any sub-tropical fruit trees grow there without winter protection. Would guava trees do fine in winters without protection? Also, Is S. Carolina cooler and less humid than Florida?


Where in South Carolina compared to where in Florida?

Coastal SC is a lot like coastal northern Florida. But NW South Carolina is nothing like southern Florida.

Besides latitude, SC's highest point is 3,550 ft (1080 m). Florida's highest point is 345 ft (105 m).

Say..., Columbia compared to Orlando. Yeah I get it. It's not that simple. SC has both mountains and coastline. There might be different climates even within a city...

I'm in Tallahassee. I've learn the hard way that simply covering up the trees wasnt enough to keep them alive. I lose 90% of my tropical fruits trees last winter. This year, I learn that I need to put christmas lights around them for extra heat to keep them warm underneath the plant covers. I'm already preparing for this winter. You also have to keep in mind that you cannot let the trees grow too big or you'll have a hard time covering them.
I agree. We should also control our desires and keep only a few kinds of trees that we like the most. But, unfortunately, it is not going that way...

Guava will not grow in South Carolina without protection. Even hardy citrus needs protection there. If I lived in SC I would be growing fire blight resistant pears, select Chickisaw plums, Muscadines, Rabbit Eye blueberries, Peaches, Chinese Jujube, Pecans, Paw Paw, Blackberries, Che, and maybe a satsuma (but it would definitely need protection).
Yup.  Forget about mangos or avocados.
I know. I am having fruits from passion fruits and jabuticabas in NJ by keeping them inside the house in winters.

South Carolina is probably more similar to New Jersey than Florida, at least as far as climate. Florida will have more Jets fans though.


Guava will not grow in South Carolina without protection. Even hardy citrus needs protection there. If I lived in SC I would be growing fire blight resistant pears, select Chickisaw plums, Muscadines, Rabbit Eye blueberries, Peaches, Chinese Jujube, Pecans, Paw Paw, Blackberries, Che, and maybe a satsuma (but it would definitely need protection).
Wow not even citrus! Probably, figs, mulberries, almonds and pomegranates would grow there.

There is a lot of difference just within Florida. In coastal south/central Florida, you don’t get nearly as many 95+ degree days as you do in Orlando. Living on the west side of Jacksonville could have summer days that are 100 and winter that are 25. It seems similar all the way up the coast. GA, SC, NC can all get crazy hot and humid in the summer if you are inland.

I see. All because GA, SC, NC are situated in the north of FL, you can't really get away from terrible summer humidity. And it is even worse than South FL in general...  Is muggy season in GA, SC, NC at least shorter? :)
but the big thing to worry about is the arctic blasts that come and leave the area sub 20f.
tough to grow stuff in that weather!
So many different factors determining climates rather than latitude...

There is a lot of difference just within Florida. In coastal south/central Florida, you don’t get nearly as many 95+ degree days as you do in Orlando. Living on the west side of Jacksonville could have summer days that are 100 and winter that are 25. It seems similar all the way up the coast. GA, SC, NC can all get crazy hot and humid in the summer if you are inland.

I see. All because GA, SC, NC are situated in the north of FL, you can't really get away from terrible summer humidity. And it is even worse than South FL in general...  Is muggy season in GA, SC, NC at least shorter? :)

Summers can be very similar. Winters are quite different. You actually get marked seasonal changes in NC.

Does humidity prevail longer and higher during hot season in S.Carolina like Florida too? Did you mean you feel seasons changing drastically starting from North Carolina by "You actually get marked seasonal changes in NC." ?  Thank you.

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