« on: May 12, 2023, 08:47:10 AM »
At risk of speaking for him, if I understand right, then think about what he's offering more as organizing your posts in the buy/sell/trade section onto a traditional-type online store front in hopes of widening your customer base to people who wouldn't otherwise consider such an unconventional online sale.
Instead of accidentally finding this forum while searching for "Katuk near me" (literally how I got here... Still haven't found that Katuk by the way, lol), then PMing a stranger, venmo-ing $45 and waiting to hear...
They see what they are shopping for laid out how they're used to, put it in a cart, as usual, calculate shipping and purchase. You get the order and ship it.
He builds, updates, and maintains the site which hosts your sale "post" for a 5% cut. A good deal considering he's got a load of work both in initial build and in constant update + it's his site's neck on the line for missed shipping dates, dead plants, bad seeds, etc. (Although I've read this site enough to know that a good many of you would go out of your way to make it right).
He knows 5% is low, but it is to attract the sellers, who have not yet been able to see the benefit of it.
In my eyes, it's not a bad business plan. This forum provides a unique connection between, literally, some of the best seed collectors/growers out there. Between the zone pushers, the scientists and the explorers of Mayan temples, there is a product here that is unmatched, and totally unknown by the world at large.