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Messages - Jordan321

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It's awesome that this places best answer to the question sounds like "Google it and hope."
What's that saying the mushroom hunters have? "There's old foragers and bold foragers, but there's no old bold foragers."

Haha. Exactly, Xesoteryc. I think it's his cruel joke to advertise all the best stuff, then not to sell to us! The plan now is to collect, propagate, then sell something tempting enough that he'll buy. That would open the door, but it's a paradox, because he's already got the best stuff!

(I'm just playing, obviously. There's a lot of flakes and even more jerks in the world. I get it.)

You all can graft fingerlime or Australian Desert Lime to your citrus tree so the graft nurses the tree. Just keep a short branch growing.

Does sap carry things like peptides? I.e. does the whole tree with the graft receive the resistance benefits?

Seems like it must, otherwise how would tree injections help anything. Anybody have some research or experience to back it up?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida's Forgotten Rare Fruits
« on: July 17, 2024, 11:21:59 PM »
Galatians, can we make requests? I was inspired to go check out the grapes growing in the woods near where I work. I had assumed they were muscadine, but lots of dark purple bunches and super sour. I'll grab some and try juicing tomorrow. Found a bunch of persimmons too. Very worthy 5 minutes walk.

Anyway, I came across a couple of tallow plums (ximenia Americana). I've got the quick basics but wonder if you're harboring any cool info.

...mostly I'm just not ready for this thread to get buried yet.

Bovine, I'd love to see more about your grav flow drip system. Have you shared a post about it? (I searched, but you know how that goes)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: grafting season
« on: May 06, 2024, 11:52:38 PM »
How about in Florida? I was trying to search this exact thing two days ago. I know it's been answered already but I can't find it.

I think its a fair price to be honest. Having any sort of flavor beside boiled meats and chips must be divine.

I kid, I kid
Who boils their meat?
The English

-me an ignorant american
Oh, I'd just googled that, it actually looks pretty good.

Narrator: "It was not good."

5 stars. Would read again.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Red Skinned Pineapple with high brix?
« on: March 01, 2024, 09:22:54 AM »
Hey John,

My favorite would the Dellerman Gold since he's a local farmer with a really unique MD2 variant.  I've tried a lot of pineapple and that one scores high because of the light to medium coconut taste ...depending on the plant... and the very hefty aromatics.  It smells amazing.  So I'm a bit opinionated on that one.  I've tried getting the material out to different members on this forum and I'd be interested what success they've had. 

Another favorite is Cayenne Hilo - which has a good, complex flavor with a little hint of tart. 

My wife's favorite is the Cabezona hybrid that's grown on the western side of Puerto Rico called Las Marias (that's the home town to the woman who hybridized it)  Supposedly it's Cabezona (bulls head, a very prickly and large fruit) cross pollinated with something called PR-167.  It produced a very strong vanilla flavored fruit that can grow quite large.  Though it's a prickly monster and tending to it can be like wrestling a Cholla cactus <kidding>.  LOL

I have Japanese Peach ('soft touch') coming along and that will be a real test to see if I can get the same strong aromatics and flavor that the Japanese farmers' fruit produces.   We'll see.

Picture of a Las Marias below next to a Giant Paun to show globe shape of fruit and beautiful color and some other images from the grounds.

I forget which thread you posted linking to the gentlemen who grow the Dellerman pineapple. the owner Mark Dellerman IIRC from the video was his name? It was a good share and now I want to visit his farm and cop a few of his pineapples when he's in season to sell them, he had a good story about his farm and his pineapple, they also sound really good tasting too!

I'll second that, Rice. We are in Melbourne, so not very far. Everytime I went south for anything I tried to work in a stop at one of those spots you said we're selling it, Brett, but it was either out of the way or odd hours. This year I'll just have to plan to just come to your ranch, instead of trying to finagle it in. ... Maybe I'll call it a homeschool field trip. I'm sure you'd say something educational. Haha

Do you pot all your yams or just the ube? And if so is it for easy digging? (Last time I dug my d. Alata, it was a chore and a half, all mixed in with tree roots... And then they were small!)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Lakatan banana
« on: September 22, 2023, 04:26:21 PM »
So this is embarrassing. I figured I'd double check my grow chart before taking a picture, and discovered I was totally wrong about that tiny variety. It is not lakatan, it's a kokopo. I looked into getting lakatan at the same time and must have conflated the two. 😅. My bad.
Here's some pictures anyway to atleast prove I was honest about the size difference between the namwah and the little guy.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Lakatan banana
« on: September 21, 2023, 10:22:22 PM »
I got a lakatan from them a while back in a mixed banana bundle. They were all really small. Like 6 or 7 inches tall. I probably planted them a little to close to each other in a banana circle. The grand nain took off. It's got a bunch ripening right now. The dwarf namwah took off. It's got a bunch ripening. (And the biggest trunk ever on a banana stalk, like 14"+ at the base. It's fantastic)... The lakatan has grown to about 24" and skinny at that. I'm sure it needs more sun. Maybe I'll move it someday... at least it will be easy to carry when I do.

Stevenson Nursery lanscaping and irrigation.
I'll add this nursery in Cocoa. Lots of good stuff.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: water temp 100+
« on: July 26, 2023, 03:10:37 PM »
Natives are hoping the extra heat burns out some of the transplants. When we lose the keys, it'll be because they were crushed into the ocean floor by the weight of all the extra people in the state! (I think I'll adopt this as my new theory). In fact, the unprecedented rise in temp is probably combination of the body heat and hot breath of all our new neighbors.

I've got a couple pods just starting to brown right now. Should be a bunch more in a month or so. How many are you looking for?

I got a brogdan last year that was one of many already fruiting at the nursery. I think they were in 30 gallons (but they went straight in the ground and my memory is not to be trusted). I say this only to say I've seen cados fruit while stuck in pots. In no way am I endorsing such cruelty.

T, the folks on here are top tier growers who give top tier advice and expect top tier performance from their plants.... Shoot, from what I could see, there's a guy on here that takes a chainsaw to an avocado tree a week, just to keep his other trees living in fear! 🤣 They'll throw you some good advice on keeping your new leaf babies happy. And when you get a place you'll be a top tier growers yourself.

My persimmon was much slower at waking up this year than I expected. It's only been pushing for a month or two now. Maybe that's normal, I don't know, but it's been in the 80's since February.
No advice, but if you're still scratching green, I wouldn't give up on it.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Electroculture
« on: June 16, 2023, 09:38:54 AM »
So what you're saying, tru, is we need to wrap all our plants in copper wire and stick the ends into a potato... Then plant the potato for perpetual energy! ... Would you expect an increase or decrease in efficacy on citrus trees if I graft a lemon to it, and then plug one end of the coil into a developing fruit, and the other end into aforementioned potato?

Interesting little fact in #1. How is that quantified? Obviously it's a pound for pound adjustment (like the old "if an elephant could leap like a grasshopper" thing), but I'm curious if it's also adjusted for distance from the "magnet" (... I realize my ignorance is showing, but that's the molten core in this case, right?) - stated another way, if my giant paperclip was an equivalent distance from Earth's magnetic source as my regular paper clip is from my fridge magnet, would it experience 100x less magnetic force as the regular clip?

...everyone else. So sorry to waste your time with such pointless questions. Haha

Alright, I'll respond for poor Ceejay's sake. Y'all are keeping it entertaining, but poking him just to poke ain't very nice.
I don't claim to know much about anything. And even less about this post. (4 days and 4 pages. I've lost the plot a little). I am somebody you would probably consider "on the right," though I don't actually play for one of the teams and disagree with most of their decisions. Maybe I'm the exception, but I don't think so.  John, you said denial/mockery of climate change is based on being against government control, and I think you're right there.  For real people (as opposed to the media), it's a question of how much warming, how catastrophic that warming is, what role humans play in it, and what the reaction to it should be. There is real fear of more government control and interference. To me, that fear is totally legitimate. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I for one do not want more government in any area I can think of. I've got a rock solid belief that government screws up everything it touches.
But before I draw myself off, in my reading, ya'll haven't actually touched anything that hits those points at which we actually disagree. I agree with a lot of what you said in that last post, without any real struggle. Truthfully, I don't have a lot to add, just felt you'd earned a response from the "other side."
I did wonder from the Exxon chart (your climate files link). Bottom right shows Exxon's estimate of temp change stretching back 150k years overlaid in red with "simulated change". Any thoughts on the disparity between the pre"today" temps? Advances in core drilling and interpreting maybe? Or just years of additional sampling maybe? ... Not really an argument for or against anything, just interesting.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Finding Land in South FL
« on: May 30, 2023, 09:31:36 AM »
For me, I like the idea of putting an RV on it, getting a management company and throwing it on Airbnb. Then it isn't sitting vacant most of time, deterring squatters and (some) theft. Yes there's strangers on it, but a different clientele, so should be a worthy trade off. Plus the added income opens up your price ceiling a bit.
It's such a hard time to buy here right now.
Note to other natives: yes, I realize that encouraging someone to move here from out of state is against The Code, but I would like to argue leniency in the case of growers. I would trade my newest neighbor for Jabo in a heartbeat. ... Maybe we should institute a draft!

Looks legit.
Thoughts on including fruit when it's in season? (Was my first thought when I saw the calendar function)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Can you identify this plant?
« on: May 19, 2023, 09:43:59 AM »
Picture this says wampi ... I neither endorse nor denounce the guess.

At risk of speaking for him, if I understand right, then think about what he's offering more as organizing your posts in the buy/sell/trade section onto a traditional-type online store front in hopes of widening your customer base to people who wouldn't otherwise consider such an unconventional online sale.
Instead of accidentally finding this forum while searching for "Katuk near me" (literally how I got here... Still haven't found that Katuk by the way, lol), then PMing a stranger, venmo-ing $45 and waiting to hear...
They see what they are shopping for laid out how they're used to, put it in a cart, as usual, calculate shipping and purchase. You get the order and ship it.
He builds, updates, and maintains the site which hosts your sale "post" for a 5% cut. A good deal considering he's got a load of work both in initial build and in constant update + it's his site's neck on the line for missed shipping dates, dead plants, bad seeds, etc. (Although I've read this site enough to know that a good many of you would go out of your way to make it right).
He knows 5% is low, but it is to attract the sellers, who have not yet been able to see the benefit of it.

In my eyes, it's not a bad business plan. This forum provides a unique connection between, literally, some of the best seed collectors/growers out there. Between the zone pushers, the scientists and the explorers of Mayan temples, there is a product here that is unmatched, and totally unknown by the world at large.

I don't include myself in vall's use of "us", but otherwise those were my thoughts exactly.  I ended up getting a free hour on Saturday and me and my wife went to check it out.  Nothing unbelievable (admittedly, we were there way late, like 1pm, so lots was already gone).  We walked around looking at plants, drank a cup of coffee and tasted our first longan.  I've wasted hours on worse stuff.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Avocado Fruit mix box
« on: April 22, 2023, 03:24:03 PM »
I'd be interested in reading spaugh's description of each of these varieties, and how they differ. Then hear from everybody who gets a box. It'd be really telling (more about Spaugh's opinions then the cado's themselves. He's definitely got some authority, so understanding his/your taste profile compared to others would be super interesting, and this would be a perfect way to get it).

Where'd you find a persimmon u-pick?

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