Hi, I have a Cara Cara and a Tarocco Blood, each in containers. They are still young trees and have not produced fruit yet but I look forward to the day that they do. I read that the Tarocco Blood has the best flavor overall of the bloods but I believe as with most citrus, it varies on how it is grown and conditions of when the fruit is ripening.. ..that is why I purchased it over the Moro. I recently had the good fortune to taste my very first Cara Cara and Moro that was purchased from our local grocery store. I loved both of them as they are so different in taste. I bought 3 Moro's and ate two so far. The first one I ate was lacking in flavor, but the second Moro fruit was out of this world, much better than the first. It had a deeper blood red pigment throughout the fruit, and it had a complex, deep wine, berry flavor. My hubby and I loved it. I am now going to add the Moro to my container collection. Lol. ( I also have a Budd Blood.)

Lovely picture of the Tarocco Blood, Ilya.