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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: dead?
« Last post by Epicatt2 on Today at 04:19:06 AM »
I received an automatic b'day wish from them this year (in June) –as I have gotten
from them every year since I joined.  So some aspects of this group is functioning.

That is interesting since I haven't visited the site very often over the last 2 or 3 yrs.

Paul M.
Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Ponciruslike fruit comparison
« Last post by Skandiberg on Today at 03:07:50 AM »
I have never heard of that one before so thank you for sharing!
Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Ponciruslike fruit comparison
« Last post by Ilya11 on Today at 02:59:12 AM »
I have the first fruits this year but have not been able to compare with PoncirusPlus side by side.
But it looks like it is less acid and has more juice, 14Brix, floral fragrance, no internal oils.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Large Fruited Strawberry Guava
« Last post by greg_D on Today at 02:57:40 AM »
My question is, "How many years before I know if I have been hoodwinked or not?"

ha, I'm relatively young when it comes to this hobby (30 years old) so I don't mind waiting to find out
their plant list is vastly outdated. they carry manoa sweet only now, cant remember if they actually ever carried the Siam sweet at all when i originally talked to them a while ago, there was something weird about that but cant remember what. 
Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Hitting up Socal potentially
« Last post by CA Hockey on Today at 01:32:57 AM »
I've got lots of fig cultivars if you're interested. Avocados,  cheromoya, mangos, citrus of all varieties etc. In orange
Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: General avocado grafting
« Last post by CA Hockey on Today at 01:26:36 AM »
They can take a couple months to pop especially when you Graft in the cold months. Something I grabbed in November or January may not push until march. If I Grafton March or April it'll just grow the next month. Avocados grow in heat. Without the heat, they really don't like to grow.
Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Ponciruslike fruit comparison
« Last post by BorisR on Today at 01:21:38 AM »
No, I haven't tested it's fruit. Anton sent me the seedlings.
My butterscotch flowered this year. I have tikal too but it prefers growing to flowering. I have a 5 foot tree that has flowered and fruited too, cultivars escapes me.

Frank has a huge very productive tree. He used to sell boxes of the fruit in summer
Greg, that is interesting looking inside. Looks like it has a open cavity like a passion fruit. Maybe the one you opened was over ripe? The red ones on the tree looks good. Get another one that is still on the tree and not over ripe maybe?
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