Author Topic: Ended: Free Trees! Cider Apples & Perry (Cider) Pears  (Read 1687 times)


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Ended: Free Trees! Cider Apples & Perry (Cider) Pears
« on: May 11, 2022, 01:28:36 PM »
All trees have been scheduled for pick up, if any do not get taken, I will update post.

I made too many grafts and now I’m giving away the extras!!

If you have cool subtropical fruit trees or unusual edibles that you’d like to trade even better!

These are hard to find heirloom cider trees that you won’t see at your local nursery. These are probably not going to be tasty eating apples. These are specifically for making cider, these apples and pears are renowned for adding character to cider. Qualities they might add are sharpness, brightness, bitterness, acidity, dryness, and aroma.
These are the fruit the pros use to make cider and perry.

Please have a genuine interest in cider making if you take home some of these trees.
Limit three per person.

All in 5 gallon sized containers on dwarfing root stock.

These trees are a couple of years old and are still on the small side which is great for planting!

Plant 3 in a hole and keep them even smaller!

Local pick up only.

Here’s what’s available:

Perry/Cider Pears:
Brandy - Cider/Perry
Gelbmostler - Cider/Perry
Gin - Cider/Perry
Hendre Huffcap - Cider/Perry
Butt - Cider/Perry

Cider Apples:
Collaos - Spanish Cider apple
Piel de Sapa - Spanish Cider apple

I only have one each of these so get them while they are hot!
One week only!

« Last Edit: May 12, 2022, 11:10:04 AM by FruitFly »


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Re: Ended: Free Trees! Cider Apples & Perry (Cider) Pears
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2024, 10:27:27 AM »
Wow, it sounds like you have some fantastic heirloom cider trees to offer! I’m really intrigued by the idea of growing specialized apples and pears for cider-making—especially since these varieties are rare and hard to find. The qualities you mentioned, like sharpness, brightness, and aroma, sound perfect for crafting unique and flavorful ciders.

I’d love to take a look at the trees you have available. I’m particularly interested in exploring the subtropical fruit trees and unusual edibles you mentioned for potential trade. I do have a genuine interest in cider making and am excited about the possibility of integrating these heirloom varieties into my cider-making process.

Limiting to three per person seems fair, and I appreciate the advice about planting them. The dwarfing root stock and smaller size are actually appealing for my space and setup.

Please let me know the next steps for arranging a pickup or trade. Looking forward to the possibility of working with these unique trees!


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Re: Ended: Free Trees! Cider Apples & Perry (Cider) Pears
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2024, 10:36:38 AM »
Wow, it sounds like you have some fantastic heirloom cider trees to offer! I’m really intrigued by the idea of growing specialized apples and pears for cider-making—especially since these varieties are rare and hard to find. The qualities you mentioned, like sharpness, brightness, and aroma, sound perfect for crafting unique and flavorful ciders.

I’d love to take a look at the trees you have available. I’m particularly interested in exploring the subtropical fruit trees and unusual edibles you mentioned for potential trade. I do have a genuine interest in cider making and am excited about the possibility of integrating these heirloom varieties into my cider-making process.

Limiting to three per person seems fair, and I appreciate the advice about planting them. The dwarfing root stock and smaller size are actually appealing for my space and setup.

Please let me know the next steps for arranging a pickup or trade. Looking forward to the possibility of working with these unique trees!

« Last Edit: August 20, 2024, 10:47:31 AM by putrinasution »


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