So here is the promised update

Considering that it will probably take a while before I can find a source for wild Eriobotrya species, I've been going through the previous papers and taking notes to get a better picture and to better know what to keep an eye out for. I've also found three new papers which are relevant for this project.
The first one highlights the close relationship between Eriobotrya and Rhaphiolepis, even suggesting that Eriobotrya should be nested within Rhaphiolepis.
Eriobotrya Belongs to Rhaphiolepis (Maleae, Rosaceae): Evidence From Chloroplast Genome and Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Data second paper seems to confirm this close relationship, as it describes artificial hybrids between Rhaphiolepis and Eriobotrya. After all, the "Coppertone" loquat is most likely also a hybrid between R. indica and E. deflexa.
Possibility of intergeneric hybrids between loquat (Eriobotrya japonica lindl.) and other Rosaceae plants: third paper is probably the most exciting, as it describes a technique which could enable new combinations when hybridizing different Eriobotrya species. Considering the number of recent Chinese papers that talk about hybridizing wild Eriobotrya species with E. japonica to shift the flowering time to spring, I truly believe that we will see a new generation of spring-flowering loquat cultivars in the coming years.
Cut-style Pollination Can Effectively Overcome Prefertilization Barriers of Distant Hybridization in Loquat these papers in mind, I've been looking at the different genera which are closely related to Eriobotrya. The most closely related genera according to several papers are Rhaphiolepis, Heteromeles, Photinia and Stranvaesia. I am currently collecting different promising species and varieties. So far I have:
Eriobotrya deflexa (Small seedling)
Eriobotrya japonica (5x 8yo seedling trees)
Eriobotrya japonica 'Tanaka'
Heteromeles arbutifolia
Photinia niitakayamensis
Photinia prionophylla
Photinia serratifolia 'Crunchy'
Photinia villosa var. maximowicziana
Photinia x dummeri 'Winchester'
Photinia x fraseri 'Faros Red' & 'Chico'
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Spring Time'
Rhaphiolepis umbellata
xRhaphiobotrya 'Coppertone'
So far only R. indica and R. umbellata have flowered. I have saved pollen from both of them and will attempt to pollinate E. japonica flowers if my seedling trees or E. japonica "Tanaka" flower this year. I am also in contact with two people that have Eriobotrya species besides E. japonica/deflexa. I've asked them for seeds/plant material and will hopefully hear from them if their trees flower/fruit this year.
PS: A curiosity I came across (click download)