I went on a short trip to Brazil (not fruit specific) over the last 10 days that was mostly to do some skateboarding stuff, and to visit old friends. The first few days were in Maresias, then down to Florianopolis, and then back in São Paulo for the day. Though I'd been to Brazil many times before (this was my 9th trip) this was the first one where I was looking intently for fruit stuff, and it did not disappoint. The photos are a bit out of order, but still thought I'd share.
This is a 60 year old + Paulista that was planted by my friend's parents. He had fond memories of climbing it to gather fruit. I have never seen a bigger jabo, it was probably around 3 storeys tall, and the scaffold branches up top were insanely thick.

The trunk of said jabo

Old avocado of some type at church where we hit the farmer's market, unfortunately no fruit of mention available

Red jabo in someone's yard on the way to the beach in Florianopolis

Large mango in São Paulo at my friend's dad's place, it was loaded with fruit but they say major worm problems and don't get any edible fruit

Some type of native guava planted by the bus station, lots of these around in Florianopolis

Photos of the leaves and flowers of said guava

Jatai stingless bee entrance to hive, I was able to acquire some honey from jatai, really strange taste almost medicinal

Along this walk over the dunes to the beach, there were wild guava "araça" species everywhere

Acerola was in season, and the size of their fruit makes ours look pitiful

The new airport at Florianopolis was probably the nicest airport I've ever been to, and they had massive sabara's planted throughout the courtyard, installed as mature specimens

Wild guava growing out of a sewer grate on the local hills

Some kind of campomanesia by the looks of it

Not sure on the cultivar of this jabo, but good size!

Red jabo with a nice size trunk, about $30 USD

Wild guavas all over, this was on the island of Campeche which had been logged and burnt, so it was second generation forest

Jabo caipirinha made with sabara, seeds, skin and all - heavy on the tannins

Good size yellow jabo with some passionfruit on it

A grove of massive sabaras in São Paulo

An unknown "araça" which they couldn't remember if was red or yellow, my guess was strawberry guava of some kind

40 year old sabara in my friend's yard in SP

Some type of inga in the woods

Large coffee trees outside "Cafe Cultura" which is a coffee chain down there

That large guava by the bus station was flowering

Checking for some jabos

Another very nice size yellow jabo, which all Brazilians adore and think is one of the best tasting fruits

Red jabo outside the laundry joint on the street!

Stingless bee apiary

Some kind of jabo outside a clothing store, fruit was not great


20' tall pitanga

40-50' pitanga

Absolute honker of a yellow jabo

Frozen sabara pre-caipirinha

Nice rack of coffee fruit coming in

Grafted red jabo at my friend's pool

A whole street row of red jabo

Jabos are used all over in architectural settings

Pitanga and jaboticaba caipirinhas on Costa da Lagoa in Floripa

Wild guava growing out of a sewer

One of the wild beach guavas growing in the dunes

Massive acerola trees out there all over