Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion

How's Your SoCal Lychee and Longan Trees Doing This Year?

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Anyone getting flowers on their Lychee trees now in SoCal?

So far, none of my longan and Lychee trees have flowers yet. If you have flowers starting, please post some photos.

my logan is flowering but not lychee.
my brother is in Garden Grove and his lychee is flowering.

Interesting. None of my branches on the large Brewster has any flowers yet. I may need to climb up on the roof and take a closer look at he branches.

My longan just started to flush and has new branches, it may be flowers but can't tell yet.

No flowers this year for lychees. It's taking a break from last years  bumper crop. Longans have a good 70% blooms

Nice longan flowers. I guess some of my longans have flowers also. Just took a few photos, wasn't sure if it was new leaves or flowers.


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