Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion
Another banner year for Rollinia coming
Every year my Rollinia has produced just a few more fruits and this year is shaping up really nicely.
Is anyone's Rollinia looking good>
Mine has a couple fruitlets, hoping I will get to try it for the the first time this year. Last year it set one fruit but the whole branch died before it matured.
How big is it and how much water do you give it? Mine is in the ground and can have branch die off in winter if it gets water stress during our dry season.
Is yours in a pot?
Mine is planted directly into the ground in my greenhouse, clay soil. It gets a ton of water and is humid all winter, drier in summer.
These have a reputation for being weedy and I agree. Constant new growth, weak limbs that snap easily, frequent dieback. New limbs often start low like watersprouts so I remove entire old limbs when pruning to keep its size in check. Lots of flowers but very low fruit set for me, I assume because of lack of pollinators and me being too lazy to hand-pollinate.
It fell over from its own weight last year, half-uprooting itself, but it didn't even faze it. I just pulled it back up and tied it to the greenhouse wall.
How big is yours?
Our rollinia looks like crap. it's been dry, until recently.
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