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Messages - fruit4me

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Ruby longan doesn’t fruit in California?
« on: November 13, 2023, 08:41:38 PM »
Some old pictures of the fruits

Wow! That is stunning! When do they bloom in comparison to lychee and longan?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Ruby longan doesn’t fruit in California?
« on: November 13, 2023, 04:49:26 PM »
Some old pictures of the fruits

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Ruby longan doesn’t fruit in California?
« on: November 13, 2023, 11:20:57 AM »
Red longan always bloom at the wrong time of the year for me.  The fruits develop over winter which always leads to cracking. Fruits end up all cracked with large seed and very little flesh. Taste is not that great. But, can't really judge yet until i get a fully developed fruit at the right time of year. I'm still hoping to get it to bloom with the regular longans cycle. For now,  it's like an ornamental.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Grafted Longan tree
« on: November 08, 2023, 09:38:24 PM »
That tasted good, I'll buy the plant.
This sale is currently pending payment from another buyer. I'll let you know it becomes available. Thank you.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Grafted Longan tree
« on: November 08, 2023, 05:59:10 PM »
How's it compared in flavor of Sakip?
Ikeda has strong aroma flavors just like Sakip and just as sweet too. Both varieties flavor hold up well under the cold nights condition. No weird(refrigeration aftertaste) compared to regular longans. If you can remember, the last sampled you tried was an Ikeda.
What time of year do you usually graft your longans?
Starting late April through out the growing season. For me, the hotter the better

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / (Sold) Cat's eye longan tree
« on: November 08, 2023, 03:42:40 PM »
5g airlayered Cat's eye longan(water type) selling for $300. Pick up only in San Gabriel CA

Wide dense canopy


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / (Sold)Grafted Longan tree
« on: November 08, 2023, 02:46:13 PM »
 Another super tasty variety for sale. Ikeda longan grafted onto a seedling rootstock. It's in a 15g size pot. Selling for $150 pickup only in San Gabriel CA


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Emperor lychee airlayer 4sale
« on: November 01, 2023, 01:20:49 PM »
Bump , price updated to $200. This tree needs to be up potted or go into the ground. Check out the healthy roots.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Chuliang longan seeds 4sale
« on: October 13, 2023, 12:42:01 PM »
Chuliang longan seeds for sale. 30 seeds for $25 shipped to USA address only.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / (Sold) Emperor lychee airlayer 4sale
« on: October 11, 2023, 12:11:47 PM »
A beautiful 5g airlayered Emperor lychee selling for $200. Very nice branching on this tree. Local pickup only in San Gabriel CA

Price updated $200 . This tree needs to be up potted or go into the ground.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Seedless lychee tree for sale
« on: September 22, 2023, 01:36:56 AM »
I don't think it has a varietal name. It's just called honey flavored seedless lychee.
Thank you for the confirmation. Yes, so the one I have is the Taiwanese Honey Flavor Seedless. Now I need to get an A4

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Seedless lychee tree for sale
« on: September 22, 2023, 12:41:31 AM »
If the orange tag is the same as the picture, then this should be a Taiwanese variety of seedless lychee.
Does this Taiwanese seedless variety have a name or is it just call a Taiwanese Seedless? Honey Seedless?

Max, nice looking air layered tree. Those seedless fruits look nice. This is a very good price for such a large plant.
Thanks Kaz

Tree has been sold.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Seedless lychee tree for sale
« on: September 21, 2023, 10:03:45 AM »
Are you able to provide any history on your mother tree? I’m currently growing A4 lychee.

I remember it had an orange tag  written in Chinese that looks like the screenshot below . Maybe you can tell me what variety it is. What other seedless variety are there besides A4?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Seedless lychee tree for sale
« on: September 20, 2023, 11:58:04 PM »
Have you fruited it yet? There are a couple varieties of seedless lychee, is this any particular one?
Yes, I fruited it before. I still have 4 fruits left on my graft.  I don't know the variety of seedless.

Pictures from couple years ago

This picture is fruits now still developing on the tree

1g Seedless Lychee airlayer for sale. 3 feet tall. Selling for $350 pickup only in City of San Gabriel

Already sold.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Seedless lychee tree for sale
« on: September 20, 2023, 01:51:17 PM »
For sale is a 5 gallon Seedless lychee grafted onto a Mauritius airlayered with double seedling rootstocks. Tree trunk is 1 inch thick and is a little over 4 feet tall from bottom of the pot. Selling for $800 . Local Pickup only in  city of San Gabriel . PM if interested. 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: "Chicken Heart" Wampee
« on: September 17, 2023, 04:35:14 PM »
Some of the Chicken heart wampee is ready. It averages 2 to 3 seeds per fruit. Not bad. Taste just like all the seedlings I've tried but with less seeds.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: WTB Wampee (Clausena Lansium)
« on: September 16, 2023, 10:49:50 PM »
Can Wampee be airlayer?

I was checking the callous on an airlayer I'm doing, and i see roots forming. It's doable. But, still don't know how well the root systems gonna be.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Yangmei (Morella/Myrica rubra) thread
« on: September 14, 2023, 02:00:06 PM »
There's still hope. My trees are grafted on Californica rootstocks. All trees planted in late June of this year and still doing great.  It's about to put on another flush. The unprotected tree got nibbled by deers.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Longan Scions for Sale ---Closed
« on: September 13, 2023, 12:38:56 AM »
This Sale is over. No longer selling scions at the moment.
Can you give me some of the merits of the Sakip longan?
I’m looking for varieties with a good number of fruits with “chicken tongue” seeds and also high productivity is a plus. Land is at a premium so if I’m going through the trouble of watering, weeding, and feeding, just need to know I’m getting a decent return for my investment, thanks!
Sakip longan has the typical same size seed as all the other known varieties. But, superior in taste/aroma. Production is the same as well. Can be heavy one year and light on the next. I've never heard of any longans producing chicken tongue seeds. I've seen occasional small fruits with tiny seeds. But, that's due to pollination or weather related conditions.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Lychee Taste Comparison
« on: August 17, 2023, 03:40:35 PM »
Thanks for sharing the pictures guys.

Here's some pictures of my grafted Emperors to compare with yours. Fruits from different parts of the tree  looks liittle different.  Scions are from the same original tree. Some of my Emperors are super fat and juicy this year. It's a keeper for me.





A couple of Nuomici almost ready. Fruits are smaller this year


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Longan Scions for Sale ---Closed
« on: August 16, 2023, 08:10:52 PM »
Having a 2 day sale only. Selling Sakip longan scions $7 each. 3 scions minimum order. Shipping is $11
Accepting payment from PayPal through Friends and family only. Thank you

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Lychee Thread
« on: August 10, 2023, 12:44:20 PM »
I water almost every night since the starting of blooming cycle. I've been feeding it with Nature's Nectar Potassium  0-0-5 once a week.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Nuomichi lychee-Wee
« on: August 08, 2023, 11:47:17 AM »
Lychees usually loses aroma and flavor within 3 days. Even with refrigeration, flavors are still lost. So all of these store bought lychees don't do them any justice.  I've had Kaimana from Hawaii before. Those are the only ones that i considered the best for imported fruits. It's good,  but not great. Lack of complexity and aroma. I need to fruit it from my own tree to give it a chance. Most of the varieties i have are fruiting this year except for Kaimana and Sweetcliff. For me, so far NMZ is the best, and Heung Lai is pretty darn close.

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