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Topics - Fruitdork

Pages: [1]
Hi, they are ready to grow for you.
Minimum order 25$. International 5$ extra. Also you pay for shipping/pack.
Para Dwarf Açaí berry $2
Chupa Chupa 8 seed for 25$ Limited
Mocambo Theobroma bicolor 3$ per seed sold out
Barringtonia edulis cutnut 2$ per seed
Ross Sapote 2.50 $ per seed
Phytelephas macrocarpa yarina ivorynut 5$ per seed all sold out.
ice cream bean 1.50$ per seed
garcinia madrono 2$ per seed
Organically grown by yours truly. 

Hi looking for seedlings of these Annona. Anyone have extras for sale?

Aloha anyone have extra seedlings of this gem? My ones didn't sprout yet.
Would love to hear about growing experience with this rarity
Happy New Year!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Durianwriter wants to login
« on: June 14, 2017, 08:14:30 AM »
Aloha this is Micah I had to create a new account cause I forgot my password. I've tried to go through the steps to reset my password...but to no avail.
Im in Thailand and was hanging out with Lindsay Gasik aka durianwriter.  She's hoping the administration can shoot her an email so she can login to her account. She also has been through the steps for resetting password but got rejected.
Her knowledge is much appreciated on this forum...hopefully one of y'all can help.

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