I'm glad you are fine Mike! Yes sometimes is easy to overlook danger, I remember few years ago when I was just separated from my ex wife, I started going to the Gym and running so I was in very good shape, so there was a big abandoned lot with fruit trees, lichies, mangos and Caimito, I had the idea to invite a group of friends to pick some caimitos, among those friends was a couple of lovely girls, so when the pole was too short to reach the largest fruit high on the tree, I decided to climb the tree to impress them, I had always be good climbing trees as a kid and now with the gym I felt great and 💪 so I went up to the middle of the tree maybe 3/4 meters high, pick the fruits with my hands and start to passing them to the ones on the ground, then I went up again 3/4 high on the tree, I felt great! Everybody was looking at me! Then vanity came again and I started to go to the top but the main trunk was getting narrow and weak for my weight, finally reached the top was picking a few fruits when suddenly something happened and a strong wind started to blow, hooo my goodness! The tip was bending with me hanging to it like a lizard! At some point the bending grade was so much that I could see the ground horizontal to my face! I was full of fear and thinking it was going to break and I ll fall from like 6/7 meters high, I started praying 🙏, those 5/6 seconds were like an hour to me! Fortunately the trunk didn't break and I was able go down....I learned the lesson! 😄