What an amazing place Malaysia is. It becomes nonstop action packed adventure, especially if you are Lindsay ‘s itinerary.
We enjoyed so many fruits on my bucket list. Many that we grow...now I know how they really taste and I’m happy to have some of them in the earth and picking up speed.
Durio lowianus many types, D kinabaluensis, D kutejensis, D zib tekka being a new favorite for me, D graveolens yellow,orange,and red, Magnifera wani, M pajang, Garcinia mesta, G forbesii, Dabai ( wow!!!), enkala, many chempedaks (I agree, winner), Bauccarrea sp 3types.
We ended up going to Borneo. Got to visit a jungle lodge and saw many monkeys, elephant , many bird types, and orangutans at the sanctuary .
That was great to meet you Peter and enjoy some durians with a fellow fruit grower. The fruit world seems is kinda small. Who would’ve thought I’d meet a felllow forum member across the world , away from both our homes.
I was happy to see your son with you sharing the enthusiasm, hope my kids will carry on the legacy here.