I’m starting this thread to track the progress of our Yangmei trees in the hopes of learning as much as we can about this exciting and delicious new fruit crop. I am especially interested in tracking the growth rate, fruiting season, identifying morphological characteristics (leaf shape, size, etc…) and fruit quality of the various varieties.
My understanding is that there may be some varieties that fruit a little earlier or later and it would make sense that there would be males out there that produce pollen earlier or later in the season as well. According to one article I read there are also some monoecious (hermaphrodite) trees out there.
Since this is such a new crop in North America, I would love to gather as much data as possible. Please feel free to post pictures of your trees, links to articles and share your success and failures. There is a lot of information out there but almost all the information is in regards to growing Yangmei in China and some of the information may not translate well to growing this crop in the US.
I recently started a new job so I don’t have as much time as I used to have but I will come back to this thread to post a lot more information and pictures as time permits.