Thanks Nate.
Yes, I also have a neighbor nearby that has an avocado tree that is very old and large, but the fruits are much more watery, has no taste and size is similar to Derek, but I did not want to add that one to my collection or share any cuttings. That tree is about the same size as the Derek but no comparison on the fruit taste. Let me go over there and take some cuttings of the branch so I can smell for the anise mentioned. I never knew that would be a good way to tell if it is a Bacon. I will ask Julie if she uses this smell method as one of the criteria when identifying the avocados. She didn't think she could tell just from tasting the fruits so she will review all the photos instead. In hindsight, I should have taken some photos of the fruits to compare it but it didn't seem impressive to me.
None of these three fruits tastes as good a Reed or Sharwil to me, but I love the nutty taste.