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Topics - Oolie

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / C12 Carla
« on: August 08, 2019, 01:48:55 AM »
Since 36-8 isn't yet available for the public to grow, I'm interested in hearing about it's siblings.
Fruit Punch has been available for a while now, and there's a lot of info out there, but has anybody been eating C12?

I'm interested in how it tastes, but most importantly shelf life.

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Ficus Carica ID by Fruting Habit
« on: June 28, 2019, 11:02:25 AM »
A few years ago, I received a fig tree as a gift from a fellow fruit grower.

It is supposed to be a UCR 143-36 Emerald Strawberry.

It's had a hard time getting established, with gophers eating all the roots back to the trunk just about every year, as well as root-knot nematodes wrecking whatever the gophers haven't.

I've noticed that this year it did not try to produce a breba crop, something that this variety is known for. My thought is that it could be a reverted variant of the panache fig, one that is known to only produce main crop figs.

It's the tree's third year in the ground, and it's been quite stunted by lack of feeder roots, so maybe this is the reason that the tree skipped a crop.

It's not a loss for me (if it's a panache), as I had previously planted a panache in the same spot, but if I am sharing cuttings, I would like to be able to correctly ID the variety.

Is lack of a breba crop during a single year indicative of a variety?

Citrus General Discussion / None too excited
« on: June 25, 2019, 12:37:08 AM »
So today I smashed a bug on our lemon tree, and when comparing it to the CDFA's leaflet looked very much like a ACP.

It was found on a graft received from UCR during this year's order, and it was grafted to our femminello.

I have only seen this type of insect on this one graft, nothing else in the yard has shown them.

Anyone else receive scions this year from UCR?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Rayan Cherimoya Cuttings
« on: June 20, 2019, 03:58:39 AM »
I am interested in acquiring cuttings of the Rayan cultivar of cherimoya.

Please send me a PM if you have access.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Sansho Pepper
« on: June 18, 2019, 04:58:40 AM »
I didn't see much about this on the boards, so I thought I would share.

It's very interesting in that not only does it have the zesty appeal of citrus, but it has a very unique (to the west) bite.

When you have it on anything but the heaviest of dishes, it can be quite mouth numbing.

The leaves are also used at tender-green stage, and are an essential part of Spring cooking in Japanese cuisine.

It's very cold hardy as well.

The flavor is closest to mandarin, and it's a great topping for vanilla ice cream.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Cherimoya Flower Aroma vs. Fruit Flavor
« on: June 17, 2019, 11:19:20 PM »
I was researching all the work that has gone into breeding mangoes, and Gary Zill's technique of crushing the leaves to determine sap aroma.

I have noticed when pollinating the cherimoyas that the flowers have distinctive aromas, and was wondering if it's just me, or do those aromas reflect the flavors of the picked fruit?

I'm thinking of using this method for selecting Annona on the basis of aroma.

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Wanted: Prunus Mume
« on: February 26, 2019, 01:51:14 PM »
I was interested in Ume if anyone grows it. Mainly for umeboshi and umeshu.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Mango Seed/Scion
« on: February 15, 2019, 03:48:36 PM »
I'm interested in seed from a number of cultivars, but so far I only have room for two.

The seeds I am interested in are from Zill 36-8, Tuehau.

In the future I will update for other seed interests.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Gopher Gold
« on: December 02, 2018, 03:29:46 PM »
Not sure this is the correct place for this discussion, but I couldn't find a subsection most appropriate for it. Please move if incorrectly placed.

So I am not a fruit grower so much as a Squirrel and Gopher grower.

The soft sandy loam I grow in supports abundant rodent populations, and I'm always working towards reducing their numbers.

Last year I removed 29 gophers, and this year I have removed 39 so far.

I am working on a hillside of two acres, but most gophers are within a few meters of the irrigated areas.

Intro out of the way, I find that gophers are some of the worst pests you can have, especially in an arid place like SoCal. All the time selecting and breeding superior cultivars, troubleshooting nutrient issues, spraying for pests and diseases, and the priciest water in the country, just to have your trees die due to gopher damage, or be severely stunted due to all their roots being consumed by the pests.

I am of the opinion that the quicker you deal with them, the less opportunity they will have to make all your efforts go to waste.

I find the best times to target them are immediately after a heavy rain, as the softer soil is much easier for them to excavate, and the gophers use the opportunity to lengthen their networks which can be several meters long. That being said I am getting more and more during the dry times between rains, though they are much less active.

There are many alleged methods for dealing with gophers, from blowing their runs up with propane, to using exhaust gas to suffocate them, to using chewing gum to block their digestive track. I use traps, because evidence is everything. I use several types of traps, from Macabees to Victor easy-sets, but none have been as effective as the Trapline traps. The Trapline traps are effective for a number of reasons, being short, they are easy to rotate down a curved path, and can be placed deeper in a tunnel. Wide clearances in the moving areas allow the traps to function even if they are full of dirt. They come in multiple sizes, I use the ones recommended on the web page, and I find that the best odds come from matching the size of the trap to the size of the tunnel.

When I set traps I look for fresh mounds, then dig back to the main run, and set on the main run, in all continuous directions. After setting the traps I then plug the hole with bunched up weeds. I use whatever is most prevalent in the area near the activity. That said, gophers have preferences, and I find they prefer mustard and radish over other types of weeds, though sunflowers and horehound work well if it is all that is available.

I find that if they leave a hole open, I can get them almost every time just by setting a single trap deep into the opening and closing the hole with weeds, but more often than not I'm trapping on main runs.

Is there anyone else with better advice out there? I'm finally getting the last ones (hopefully) from the most heavily planted areas, so fingers crossed my efforts won't be wasted in the future.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Mango Flavor Profiling: Chapter One
« on: October 31, 2018, 08:02:56 PM »

As anybody who has been accosted for being in the wrong place at the wrong time can tell you, profiling is bad, or at the very least can account for undeserved visitation by the authorities. That being said, the readers of this board very much wish for categorization and dissemination of information with regards to flavors found in mangoes. I for one have used these boards to great effect in the selection of varieties of mangoes with a wide range of flavor profiles.

According to information I have found on this site and others, Mangoes largely fall into several flavor categories. Piney/Indian spicy/ resin, Coconutty, Florida/peachy(yellow peach is implied), Citrusy, Indochinese, and others.

For the purpose of this discussion I would like to focus on flavors independently of other similar qualities for instance: Sweetness(Brix), acidity, Mouthfeel (syrupy to Chalky(startchy)), fiberousness, etc. While these qualities are often polarizing amongst connoisseurs, they don’t highlight what distinguishes mangoes from other types of fruit, which is to say a broad range of flavor profiles.

In this thread I wanted to share an opinion I arrived at while weeding the orchard.

Long has the flavor of the Maha Chanok mango been discussed, often being referred to as ‘floral’ or ‘herbal’. Often the flavor is described as being similar to parsnips, which I agree with, but this defies the longstanding categories which we group mango flavors by.

It clicked today as I pulled a fennel root. Fennel has an anisey type of aroma, but the root has a far more complex profile. The weed comes from the family apiaceae of which carrots, parsely, and celery and parsnips also belong. The roots convey an aroma on par with this. Somewhat in between parsnips, carrots, and clove (pumpkin pie spice).

It is due to this character that I believe a quality is shared between Maha Chanok (Parsnip), Mallika (carroty), and Caribbean mangoes such as Madame Francis (anisey/pumpkin pie spice).

I hope that this dialogue will assist those considering which varieties of mangoes to plant on the basis of flavor alone.

In the future I hope to have discussions on other types of flavors which mangoes can have.

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