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Messages - CTMIAMI

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Kampong Avocado soo good this year
« on: June 19, 2023, 05:13:28 PM »
The question is which is the real Kampong?

Let me explain. Since I have been planting Annona's in the last 2 years,  I find that Some Sugar Apple trees, seedlings,  not many maybe 10% of them are more inclined to have male flowers in the morning that others. I have about 10 seedlings  sugar apple trees. One very distinctly is loaded with male flowers in the morning also has female flowers and as result sets more fruit. Also pollinates the Gefner real well.    I wonder if this is just a fluke or other people have notice this.
Why this is important because most of my activity is in the morning, and I need male pollen to pollinate some of the other Annona's that I never see male flowers open in the morning.  For example, I have not seen a Gefner male flower before 2pm but I use the pollen from the Sugar Apple tree to pollinate it.

I'm wondering, if there is  research to back up the statement below from the article any documentation that offers any protection from Laurel Wilt?

The most important step to take is to get the mycorrhizae back into the soil to help support the tree. All trees are considered mycorrhizal dependent, so don’t grow your trees without them. Email me at The most important step to take is to get the mycorrhizae back into the soil to help support the tree. All trees are considered mycorrhizal dependent, so don’t grow your trees without them. Email me at if you don’t know how to get the biology established around the root systems of your trees, lawn, ornamental plants and everything else you want to grow in your yard. if you don’t know how to get the biology established around the root systems of your trees, lawn, ornamental plants and everything else you want to grow in your yard.

Anouncement from the Plant Clinic at UF

Dear Clients,

We have some exciting news! We are now able to receive whole plant samples (without soil) from outside the state of Florida within the continental United States, including Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. We will offer the same services as in-state samples (see attached chart for types of tests) and a sample will be priced at $60.00 to cover the general sample submission and decontamination costs. We are working on a new sample submission form to better reflect the price differences between in-state and out of state. In the meantime, if you are shipping from out of state, please use the normal sample submission form.

In your package, please include the filled submission form and payment. For payment options, please see below. The whole plant or plant part needs to be double bagged and should not include soil. Also please ensure that you choose the quickest shipping option, as plant material deteriorates quickly.

Payment options:

We accept all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover) Cash and Checks, please make checks payable to University of Florida FEPDC

For questions, please call the Plant Diagnostic Clinic at 786-217-9276 or email us at OR

We hope you pass along this very exciting news, and we look forward to working with you all.

-TREC Plant Diagnostic Clinic Staff

Shelby Weber, B.S.
Lab Manager Plant Diagnostic Clinic

UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center
18905 SW 280th St. Homestead, FL 33031 | 786-217-9276

Can you report on what varieties of Mangos and Avocados have survived the cold spells of the last 3 years in zone 9B in Florida?

Would be much appreciated.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Kampong avocado pear shaped?
« on: March 02, 2023, 06:36:49 PM »
I realize that, but the farmer I got it from is an expert in tropical fruit so I feel pretty confident it is Kampong.  It has the "walnut" flavor you describe and a very thick skin as well.

Pollenizer can influence seed shape, which can then influence fruit shape, so that's probably the difference here. If it was pollenized by something that produces elongated seeds vs spherical seeds, you might see that much variation in shape.
Makes sense, my Kampong is surrounded by Monroes,

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Kampong avocado pear shaped?
« on: February 20, 2023, 06:35:40 PM »
Not even closed to my fruit.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Fast Fruiting Jaboticabas
« on: February 19, 2023, 05:27:54 PM »
I have a Red Hybrid Jaboticaba 3 years old in a 5 gal pot and is flowering and setting fruit.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Avocado identification
« on: February 19, 2023, 05:25:46 PM »
Curious if anyone can identify what type of avocado I just bought at the produce stand? Not sure if that’s possible?

If you got them in a So. Florida Fruit stand in February, is probably not Hall. More than likely, they are Semil 34 from the Dominican Republic.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Kampong avocado pear shaped?
« on: February 19, 2023, 05:20:43 PM »

Julie is this picture supposed to be Kampong?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Catalina Avocado flowering question
« on: February 19, 2023, 05:18:48 PM »
It's hard to see what the actual size of the tree is in the picture?
I have a Lila and Mexicola grande that are pushing 10'.
Last year both flowered heavy and set fruit. The Lila had
50+ fruit and they didn't size up. The Mexicola grande had
around 20 fruit and they sized up but ripened uneven and
were unedible. I hope it was because the trees were too
young and will do better this year? Both are flowering now.
Last year was there first year fruiting. So I think your tree
is under 5' and would be better off growing a full season without the
burden of using energy trying to produce fruit. For now though wait and see
if they hold a fruit or two, maybe they have better developed root systems then my trees?
I find the same problems with my Mexicola now about 10years old. They just don't like Florida. Top working in September.

The tree build up nice branches, Ready to get pruned again in March 1. Will post pictures

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Avocado thread
« on: December 30, 2022, 09:50:24 AM »
Even when I plant 3-7 gal in the ground, I prune a lot to develop good branches and a wider trunk.  I also prune a lot in the pots to get the shape I want and start thickening the trunk. You dont want to have an 8 ft tree with a 1/2 inch trunk.

I did not expect you to do this in Hungary. This is something that would have to be done ideally in Florida.
I think to do it with commercial fruit is a waste of time because most if not all commercial Hass groves are monoculture, just Hass, maybe some will have a pollinator the diversity of pollen is very limited.  True from other commercial varieties.  Only some fruit from USDA germplasm collection, Fairchild Tropical Gardens, UC and maybe Israel Volcani Center, have enough diversity get the Eskimo needed.
Hass is 60% Mexican and 40% Guatemalan, probably some Hass seeds of openly pollinated fruit with some other varieties may be worth a shot. 

There are a few people in North Florida experimenting with this. Some large operations that have  quality fruit with some cold resisting qualities. Not seen it or tasted it. I know for a fact that a cloned Duke 7 can take it down to to the mid 20's for a while. But not a good eating fruit.
I think the best way to do this would be to get openly pollinated seeds from 100% Mexicans trees and plant them to see, probably 5000 Plus needed . There are a lot of genetics available to accelerate the process e.i.  cold hardiness markers that can be searched for in batches. The cost of these have gone down a lot.
You would need at least 10 + acres and a lab to do the genetics to only plant what has possibilities can take 10 years plus to come up with something decent.   You would need funding for sources like Florida Dept of Agriculture, University or institutions to provide continuity and maybe, yes possible, never done, Crowd funding comes to mind.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Laurel Wilt Avocado (Stump or Remove)
« on: December 07, 2022, 07:30:11 PM »
Fruitmonger do what is economically feasible to you. There are literally 1000's of infected trees in Florida, not only avocados but sassafras, red bay etc. The simplest thing would be to cut the tree close to the ground and find some inexpensive way to remove or treat the root. 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Laurel Wilt Avocado (Stump or Remove)
« on: December 02, 2022, 10:30:07 AM »
By the way, I would not replant avocado in the area for 24 months to be safe.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Laurel Wilt Avocado (Stump or Remove)
« on: December 02, 2022, 10:23:14 AM »
Stumping the trees is not a good choice, especially if there are avocados in the area. Is like letting a Troyan Horse into your grove. The roots continue to spread the fungus while the tree is re-growing new vegetation on the new xylem growing (giving you the illusion that all is well) only to eventually die again by then it has spread to adjacent trees.  My grove still operational because I remove any contaminated tree right away. Roots and all.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Dream Cherimoya
« on: November 29, 2022, 03:26:51 PM »

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: When to graft annona?
« on: November 27, 2022, 10:00:37 AM »
In South Florida. The ones I did in April 100% take. I tried in Late October 0% all dead from fungal growth in graft union. 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Dream Cherimoya
« on: November 27, 2022, 09:52:21 AM »
I have a couple and are growing in the ground in the grove in Homestead on rocky soil. Got them from Skhan.  Planted about a year ago. They grow extremely well. Straight up. Very clean. Looks like a big tree.  I have pruned them a couple to times to keep them small and develop heavy main trunk. Pictures to follow. Expecting flowers this spring.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Cherimoya video
« on: November 19, 2022, 03:35:50 PM »

They could be reticulatas also. "Custards Apple"   If you germinate them you will know soon.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Need help! Super Haas dying.
« on: November 07, 2022, 10:45:21 PM »
Thow it out and get a new one. Trees like that will always struggle.

yes, in more ways than one

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