A rather quick inspection of a number of selections planted outdoors and which remained outside over the past Winter, have shown the following order of hardiness following a sustained low temperature of 2 degrees during high winds:
1. Poncirus Only damaged on late season growth.
2. Poncirus Plus Also only damaged on late growth.
3. Conestoga 011 Segentrange A little damage on late growth, similar to Poncirus late growth. Tetraploid
4 Conestoga 010 Segentrange Survival very close to that of Poncirus and is breaking buds, flowering
5. Conestoga 006 Segentrange To this point is indistinguishable from 010, is also flowering.
6. Conestoga 026 Segentrange Also appears similar to 010 and 006, fruited last year. Is marginally less hardy than the Selections listed above.
7. Conestoga 001 Segentrange Semi-evergreen, the first flush of leaves in the Spring are distorted, may relate to the absence of true Winter bud scales. No bark cracks seen.
8. Conestoga 067 Segentrange The second most Citrus-like in appearance survived with injury.
9. Bishop Citrandarin heavily damaged, but likely to survive.
10. 1279 Citrandarin heavily damaged, may not survive.
11. 058 Segentrange Very Citrus-like in habit, vigorous, hardiness is not exceptional, damage at 15 degrees in tunnel.