Received my latest...Indo Red or Durian Lai. Deep yellow/tumeric colored flesh. Lindsay says this is a hybrid of kutejensis.
I did multi-rootstock grafting on my first two durians. Couldn't find any seedlings at the time and ended up using monthong trees. This first tree did great. All three seedling grafts healed up nicely.
Durian #2. Unfortunately, two of the three grafts failed. You can see the site in the middle of the pic. A real bummer after seeing the slam dunk success on the first one.
Durian #2. Luckily, the two seedlings were still viable after cutting down quite a ways. I was able to regraft them lower down on the trunk and so far, it looks like they are both healing up well.
I'm enjoying the grafting. Not only useful/beneficial for the tree, it keeps me busy over here!