I have another very good white sapote to add to my list of fruits tasted this year. I purchased these white sapote from Brian Laufer, he sells seeds and sometimes the fruit boxes. This is the second time I purchased his medium box of white sapote from his large trees. He isn't sure what variety it is, but I have been eating them for a week now and it is one of the top 5 best tasting for me.
So for 2023, my top 10 white sapote are:
1. Clytia
2. C. tetrameria #7
3. Younghan's Gold
4. Brian Laufer WS
5. Yellow Sapote (CSUF) variety
6. McDill
7. Cuccio
8. Maddox
9. Norm's - this is an old un-named variety
10. Nasrin - from AJ
I sse from others who posted the following looks very tasty:
- Malibu #3 (Reedo)
- Suebelle, Jason (SHV)
- Vernon, AJ (MasonG31)
If anyone else has tasted some very good to excellent white sapote this year, please post the variety name below and any photos if you have it.
Happy New Year !!!