Just in time for fall planting or holiday gift giving, the West LA chapter of CRFG will be offering many rare and exotic plants you cannot normally find anywhere else, including both gold & yellow pepino dulce, our exclusive collection of rhubarb plants that have proven themselves year-round perennials even here in Southern California, rooted sugar cane, banana pups and much much more. Quantities are limited and some may not be offered for sale again for a number of years. See all details, including an ever-growing list of available plants at
https://wla.crfg.org/our-plant-sale-store/. In addition to what's on the site, I do have a dozen or so yang mei seedlings grown from this past summer's Calimei Dong Kui fruit. Since they are still small and therefore fragile, I won't bring them to the sale unless someone specifically would like some.