I really don't know. I guess that may help on the short term, but you have to take in account how the citric acid reacts with soil colloids, and with soil bacteria. Citric acid will get oxidized pretty soon by any bacteria i guess, it is one of the elements of the citric acid cycle, so it will be used to get energy by bacteria.
What i would do to lower the soil ph, is going towards some pH-reducing soil fertilizer. Anything with sulphur in it should work (iron sulphate, for istance) or some acid nitrogen fertilizer.
This should have some effect on potted plants. pH of the garden can't be substantially reduced (unless high pH is due high level of sodium, wich is pretty easy to eliminate, but will leave you with a very high - i'm speaking about 8 - pH that won't be reduced by anything economically viable). pH 4-5 is very low even for soil considered acidic, it's very hard to reac if you aren't starting from an already acid soil.